
Is 5 days in Paris enough?

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I know this question begs the answer -how long is a piece of string, but I was just wondering if anyone out there had been to Paris and could share with me their experiences. I am travelling alone too.... any ideas?




  1. yea everyone is right. paris is HUGE. 5 days is a minimum.

  2. I think one night would be enough that Hilton chick is annoying.

  3. Traveling alone is a challenge, and five days is never enough.   Do some research and make a list of  highlights that are a must. My favorite memory was walking along the Seine one morning having a breakfast of a pastry and some kefir.  I got lost in the Louve . You could spend a monthn any paticular dept.  ResResearchesearch.  Have a great time.

  4. it depends on you. it depends on how much you want to see. if you want to see a lot then its defiantly not enough. but if you want to just see the really really famous world famous stuff like the Eiffel tower, paris disneyland, and FEW famous stuff that france is famous for and you can do some shopping and eating the food and just tour around the city like you are a local then its enough. but if you want to see everything carefully and slowly and almost everything in paris then its not enough, even 1 month is not enough.

    good luck

    have fun in paris

  5. so sorry but 5 days in paris is nothing!!! even if paris is a small city there are so many things to see... in 5 days u will see nothing... maybe the most commun but no the real paris... versailles and le louvre is one day each

    we have many museums, quarters u have to see...

    10 days is a minimum i think

  6. I've been to Paris about 6 times, 7 in October, and I've never been for more than a week. There is so much to see there, that 5 days is never enough. I've still not seen everything! You can get a good taste of the city in 5 days though, and here's a few ideas of things you could do.

    There's always la Tour Eiffel, l'Arc de Triomphe le centre Pompidou, le Louvre and lots of wonderful shopping to be done, so that could take up one day, just doing the famous touristy things (we've all done it!)

    You could also go and visit the Catacombs. It sounds a bit macabre, and well, it is, but well worth a visit. Also, make a trip to 'Cimetière du Père-Lachaise'. It may be a cemetery, but it's beautiful and gothic, plus it's now home to Édith Piaf, Oscar Wilde and Jim Morrison, and the war graves are very moving.

    I'm not religious at all, but I went to Saint Chapel, on L’Île de la Cité, which was an incredibly beautiful church. Also well worth a wander round is le jardin du Luxembourg. If you're going to Paris in the summer, you should definitely walk along the banks of the Seine when they've been transformed into a beach - Paris Plage. There's even a huge floating swimming pool on the river!

    Hope this helps, and that you have an amazing trip. Paris is my favourite place in the world.

  7. I'm sure you recognize that 5 days is a very short time to spend in a city which has so much to offer. The Louvre alone could occupy an art lover for months. I have been visiting Paris on a fairly regular basis for over 30 years and have not yet seen everything there is to see in this wonderful city.

    But if you are making a first visit then you can certainly see the most famous tourist attractions even if only briefly. The many great museums can always be viewed more thoroughly on your subsequent visits.

    In short, 5 days is better than 4 and any amount of time better than none.

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