
Is 5 pounds a normal weight for a 4 month old kitten?

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He eats so much! 4 meals a day and he keeps meowing and trying to grab food off our table. He's not fat, but he's grown quite a lot in the two weeks I've had him. I have heard of full-grown cats that weigh 6 or 7 pounds, and this half-grown kitten is nearly there. Is his weight normal or is this going to be a gigantic cat?




  1. I'm trying to convert to kilos as that is what my cat is weighed in, but I can't work it out at the moment.

    5 pounds seems really heavy though for a 4 month old.  My 11 year old male weighs 4.34 Kilos, obviously fully grown.  I have a 7 month old female who is 2 kilos and a 4 month old female who is just shy of 2 kilos.

    They are all very healthly weights according to my vet, so if you can work the conversion this might help.

    Extra Note: Just remembered the conversion, its roughly 2.2 pounds per kilo.  So 5 pounds doesn't sound that big for a male kitty.

  2. Well it depends on the breed of the cat, as some cats can grow to be 20+ lbs., such as a Coon Cat which usually weighs over 20 lbs.

    He's probably just extremely healthy and well taken care so kudos to you for being such a great animal caretaker.

    I say let him eat, since he's still growing and probably burning alot of calories while he's doing it.

  3. it is normal.  my 3 month old kitten is already almost 4 1/2 lbs.  He looks like he is about the size of a 6month old kitten.  when i asked the vet is that meant he was going to be huge.  her only response was, "He's going to be a big boy".  told me it was nothing to worry about because he is not obese for his size.  i was worried i was going to have a little garfield on my hands.

  4. It's fine he's probably at a growthspurt.I have to kniitens that are both 3 months ol and are about 3-4 punds and the vet said they'll soon be going into a growspurt.Don't worry has long as there is no vomiting and/or lack of excersice like not being active this young

  5. Cat weights can vary an awful lot!  I have 2 full grown cats, both female, one weighs 10lbs and the other weighs 5.5lbs and hasn't grown since she was 6 months old and was really ill.  My aunt had a cat that was 25lbs and he WASN'T fat.......just very big!

  6. If you haven't had him dewormed, you might want to consider it. If theykitten has worms, that will also increase his appetite. Also, at his age he is very active and needs more food.  

  7. yes that is normal

  8. My full grown cats are 10lbs, 8 lbs and 19lbs.

  9. My 4 month old kitten weighs 3 pounds. I think it just depends though. I wouldn't be too worried unless his stomach looks really fat. Make sure he's getting enough exercise and ask your vet for her input at your next visit.

  10. 5 pounds for a 4 month old kitten is perfectly fine.  Full grown cats that weight only 6-7 pounds sounds a bit underweight to me.  I think a good 10 pounds is a normal size in my opinion.

    The most important thing to remember is the kitty's 1st year should be a free feed year.  That means leave out dry food and let them eat as much as they want.  You should never limit their food the 1st year.  If he does end up over weight fix that problem after the 1st year with a feeding schedule.

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