
Is 5 years too young to home school?

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Is 5 years too young to home school?




  1. No age is too young to home school.

  2. Depends on what you mean...

    In some states, 5 years old is too young to be *officially* homeschooled.  In my state, children are required to be in some official education program at age 6; some school districts would allow a 5 yr. old to be officially listed as a homeschooled student, but others won't.  So, from a paperwork point-of-view, it might be too young; you'll have to check with your local laws.

    From a practical point-of-view, we are homeschooling our children from the moment they are born.  Parents are teaching their children from day one, teaching them how to eat, smile, roll over, talk, etc.

    If you mean instead, is it too early to use formal curriculum, that depends on the child and how you plan to teach the curriculum.  Some children are begging to do worksheets when they are only four.  Some don't have the patience to sit still long enough for seatwork, even when they are six.  So, it will depend in part on what your child is ready for.  It will also depend on how you plan to do it; will you do lessons five days a week for 6 hours a day?  That's way too much for the average 5 yr. old.  But lessons 2 or 3 times a week for 20 or 30 minutes at a time is something most 5 yr. olds can handle.  Throw in a lot of hands-on activities, exploring the neighborhood, looking at nature, planting seeds, reading books to him, artwork, story times, etc. and you can have a great program that most 5 yr. olds can readily handle.

  3. No, 5 is not too young. In many states, K is not a required grade level so you may not have to even contact anyone. Here are 2 good site for starting out ...

    Best of Luck!


  4. Wow. lots or ignorant people, actually they look like kids, answering today.

    If you think about it, you start teaching them as babies. Just continue that process. If your child is ready to start a curriculum meant for kindergarten, then go for it! Make it fun and part of daily life. Home school is a life style, not just education. Everything is a learning experience.

    Disregard all the ill informed people about "socialization myths" and home schooling. A quick check online brings up plenty of proof that home schooled children actually get the proper socialization, not socialization forced on them where they are segregated into same aged, same zip code classes and expected to learn how to act from each other! I can not believe anyone still thinks that is a good idea.

    I have two kids that are WELL socialized, considered leaders among their peers (who are both public and home schooled), and doing wonderful in school. They both test higher academically than their public school counterparts and my oldest is in college at 16.

  5. No! Homeschooling is probably one of the best educations out there!

    My youngerbrother is homeschooled. He enjoys it so much and learns a lot.

    You can focus on what YOU and your child are interested in and what they want to learn, and your child can still take a gcse with other home schooled kids in the uk.

  6. no, I know many families that home school at that age, I know one that's homeschooling a 4 year old. :)

    kids don't turn into misfits or are unsocial just because they home school, that is untrue, I am home schooled and I know a lot of other families that home school and there kids aren't like that. And you can also have play dates with other kids.

  7. No way . I wish i never sent my children to school . Ive taken 3 of my children out about a year and a half ago they hardly knew anything . 2 are in secondary the other in junior. They have learnt so much being taught at home that they said they dont want to go back . They say we do fun things and go on a lot of outings to london. Keep your children at home they will learn a lot more.

  8. yes! primary school is when you get to make your first friends, learn necessary communication and people skills for later in life. missing out on that would be terrible. Going to school also makes children more independant of their parents, its a vital step that no one should miss out on.

    i look back on my primary school days as some of the best in my life so far, i stll have friends from then, i have fond memories of school trips and was greatly inspired by many of my teachers, i know i wouldnt let my children miss out on such an experience.

  9. No, it is about right.  Look up various websites that can give you good ideas on lessons and curriculums, see what your local authority guidelines are (you will get a visit in the UK....just to make sure you know what you're doing...) and there are LOADS of brilliant associations and family clubs where your kids can meet other homeschool families, have picnics in the park/beach etc., get cheap resources etc...

    Good Luck.

  10. What do you mean? Is it too young to get into a formal curriculum and do 'school at home'? IMO yes, you can start providing an education at 5 but it should be mostly play based without too much academic stuff like learning to read and write, unless your child is keen on doing that of course. There's no benefit to pushing reading and writing on a child who isn't ready and it can actually do damage. Follow your instincts as a parent, do things that your child enjoys and bare in mind that many countries don't start any sort of formal education until children are 7, and those countries tend to be the ones that lead the world in academic performance.  

  11. Home-schooling prevents children from learning how to interact properly with their peers. All the experiences they get from school (good AND bad) provide the lessons in life which they will draw on as adults.

    If you home school them, they may get good grades, but they may also turn into social misfits.

  12. Not at all.

    You do need to check with the laws of your state first:  If kindergarten is mandatory, or if the compulsory age for school attendance begins at age five, just make sure you are in compliance with the law.

    Here is a great site with loads of kindergarten activities:

    Get involved in your local homeschool park day.  Just google "homeschool park day" and your town's name.

    Also get your five year old involved in activities that are of interest to him/, sports, library programs and the like.

    All the best.

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