
Is 500 text messagse alot to have sent?

by Guest62174  |  earlier

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Since 18th june?




  1. For me, yes, its a lot, but if you are a chatty kathy, then no, its not a lot.

  2. Not at all :D I get 500 per month and always run over x]

  3. for the payer of the bill it is!

  4. No, not really.

    Get unlimited if you don't have it.  

  5. That's Nothing!!

    Me, On The Other Hand .... I Txt At Least 10,000 A Month

  6. Of course not in 2 week i can send almost 2000

  7. lmfao no!

    i send from 100 - 300 a day..

    and i dont text much.

    my bestie sends about that much in 3 hours lol


  8. No.

  9. Yeh... loads!! Well, for me anyways.

  10. no not really =)

  11. h**l no! i send 500 per day,

    once i send 10,000 in a month.

    big bill,very big bill.

    i got into soo much trouble..

  12. no if you have lots of friends or somthing i dont text that much  

  13. no way"!!

    that's nothing like!

    I'm looking at my phone and I sent-wait for it,

    1000 texts since july 23rd!!

  14. I have used 800 since 7th July :]

    but my parents are gonna kill me :|

  15. No, My parents would be relieved If I sent that many I send into the millions.

  16. No way! It would take me 2-3 weeks for me :D

  17. nah i know people who send 100 a day-my best friend and she's not ashamed of it so neither should you. do you realise that's more than 500 in a week?

  18. nah ive done more

  19. To me - that's nothing... I have unlimited because I would run over on all the other txt subscriptions (including 10,000 a month + free In txting)

  20. No. My mom sends more than that per month!

  21. Honestly.


    I have a pre paid cell, and lol. It expires tommorow and I have 10 KD ( 30 dollars ) left to spend.

    Oh well.

    Also, I just checked my message count.

    3 since June 18th.


  22. I have a text limit of 400. Unfortunately I went over by 500 and I owe my parents $50.00

    I personally thought it was a lot, but now that I think about it, it took me a month and a half to do that. Plus I was on vacation so I was talking to my friends back home

  23. no

    unless you're my mum

  24. No, if you use it frequently it is not alot. Let's hope someone was replying and you weren't just bugging them :P

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