
Is 55 degrees a warm tempature for outside at night?

by  |  earlier

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i need to decide what to wear and im unsure if it will be too cold.





  1. It  is kind of cool but I live in Florida.  lol

  2. Depends on where you are from.  Depends on if there will be wind.  Will you be close to the coast?  55 can be cold for many people. Also if you have been in the sun all day, 55 can seem a bit chilly so I would be prepared with sweats and a sweatshirt but it won't be TOO cold.

  3. well i think its pretty cold but thats just me because i live in a very hot area, if you live in a cold area, i don't think it'll be as freezing as it would be for me.

  4. 55 F. is 15 degrees below what is considered perfect by many people, which is 70 F. It is is more than 20 degrees above freezing.

    What is more important is you own comfort zone. Do you feel cold in an air conditioned office? Do cool breezes bother you? Then wear a coat. If you are comfy in a cool breeze, then wear a sweater. If you are where there are mosquito's, wear long pants and no perfume. The mosquito's would be much more bother than a little chill in the air. You can always take a scarf and use it or not depending on circumstance.

    Also, it depends on if you are sitting and watching a game or if you are walking. Since you didn't say what you would be doing, it is hard to give you better advice. Check to see if it is going to rain, and be prepared with one of those little folding umbrellas.

    :-D Enjoy your time. One of the little breath sprays is good to kill bothersome bugs and shouldn't bother the other people as much as a real bug spray would.

  5. no

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