
Is $55 per person to pricey for horseback riding?

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Is $55 per person to pricey for horseback riding?




  1. Lzzie...x if you notice she is saying Dollars*

    - - -  not pounds,

    but 55 is just above average!

  2. it depends, how long is the lesson and is it private or a group. I would charge $55 only if it is a private lesson, and you work with the horse and trainer for 1hr 1hr 30mins. It sounds like a long time, but a person would get their monies worth. It also depends on where you live, for example where I live that is the going rate. Check with other stables and find out how much they are charging. You would not want to be over or the cheapest place.

  3. My barn charges...

    $30 group lessons 2-3

    $25 groups lessons 4 or more

    $45 private one on one lessons

    $750 full bord and training+ one lesson a week

    little kid lessons are $30 private lesson for 30 mins all other lessons are 45 to 60 mins

  4. yes! it does seem alot.

    in |england the average is around £15 so thats about $30.

  5. yes that is very expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    my most expensive lesson was £24 and that was a private lesson for about an hour.

    the cheapest was £10.

    is it what someones charging for you or what you are charging for them?

  6. that does sound a little high, but I guess it depends on how long of a lesson your taking if its only an hour; yea thats too high. I use to pay $25 for a private one hour. and i would ride another half hour to do what I wanted to work on, and $20 for a three person group lesson.

  7. Yes,that is way too expensive,that would be maybe for 3 days or so. Probably the best price would be $20.00 like most people charge.

  8. yes what state are you in? and how long are the lessons?

    average is 20 dollars

    i give lessons and i charge 20 per hour for private and for groups i charge $15

  9. It depends upon where you are (Half Moon Bay, CA charges about that per hour.) in the U.S. for horse rentals on the beach.  

    Try and you can see the various rates for rental stables.

    Lessons on the other hand, once again depend upon the area you're taking them.

  10. It depends. How long is the riding session?

  11. Do you live in Australia?

    If you do then no, thats not pricey, actually thats a very good price. I paid $65 an hour for trail riding a few years back and that was a good price compared to the others around.

    But with the price being so cheap, the riding and facilities may be pretty average, but depending on your level of ability and experience that may not matter to you.

    Happy riding

  12. Depends on what you are doing. For an hour trail ride, its a little pricy. It the trail is on the beach or up and down moutains then the high price is probably due to have more horses for riders. One inshape horse can do about 3-4 1-hour walk rides over flat easy terrain. If it is over tough terrain they will only be able to do one ore two rides. Less rides per horse mean you need more horses which equals needing to charge more money. If it is a english lesson (not sure about western) then it is about right. Horses are expensive animals and they price of hay is going up so they are becoming more expensive.

    - Katie

  13. It is but i depends. Is it a lesson or Trail ride?? If its a lesson, is it group or individual?? It also depends on how long the session is but on average, yes it does seem a bit overpriced

  14. Depends where you are. Here in Las Vegas it is 100.00$ a hour. To rent a horse for a trail ride.

  15. If you're talking about a lesson, for an hour, private, the answer is "no" if you are comparing to where we are on the east coast.  A private lesson here, with my instructor, who is a GP dressage competitor, costs me $60.  

    If you're talking about a trail ride, well, how long is the ride, do you get instruction as you ride? Are you cantering and jumping or plodding along nose to tail with no options for fun?  Your question is way too vague.

  16. It depends on how long your riding for I would say no though cause the average price is usually $20.00 a person or so...

  17. It depends on where you are riding and who owns the stable.  I ride with a grand prix rider and she pays $45 for a 1 hour lesson.  I know one stable run and owned by an ex Olympian makes riders pay $100 for a 1 hour lesson

  18. OUCH for a hr yes, unless it's a over nighter, or long ride maybe.  That's alot....

    Wow reading others anwers and in my area it's $25.00 for a hr.  so depends on were you live.

    But a camping trip here it's about $60 for a day night and part day.

  19. Not at all--depending where you live. I'm always astonished when people say that $20 is the average lol. Throughout my life I have paid around 40-50 for group lessons that lasted around an hour and right now I'm paying $60 for an hour long private lesson on my horse. I'm quite excited though because my friend is joining me in september and my trainer said she will give us an hour and a half lesson for $75 which we can split. I think it also depends if it's at your own barn, or if you have to travel to the batn because gas prices these days are insane!

  20. well it depends,

    1-what type of lesson, dressage, english, trail, western, jump?

    2-how long, 1 hour, 30 min

    3-who with- group or private

    I take a private dressage lesson for $35, for 1 hour, and my instructor sometimes goes over, and dosent even charge. We sometimes give her tips.

    So i would say some where around 30-40

    55 seems a little high

  21. YES!!! The average is $20.00

  22. Are you talking about just letting someone ride your horse or giving them a lesson? I charge $30 for and hour long lesson- but for just letting someone ride, I don't know, charge them enough to cover the insurance bill they'll/you'll have when they get hurt. Ha.

  23. not by much ,

    horses are very costly to look after,  riding schools charge high prices so they can afford to look after and care for all of the horses and ponies properly with some profit left over for them selfs for them to live on etc.

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