
Is $5700.00 more than enough to take on a 10 day trip to germany? My airfare and room are already paid.?

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Is $5700.00 more than enough to take on a 10 day trip to germany? My airfare and room are already paid.?




  1. i would not take that much i would take about 2000.00 that

    should cover what you wouldneed to shop and eat the dollar

    is at .63 to 1.00 eruo .

    im going  soon im only taken little over 1000.00  in travelers checks  then if i need

    i will use a charge card ..

    have a nice time ..

  2. That is so much more than plenty.  However, do not, under ANY circumstances, carry more than $100 in cash.  Pickpocketing is very common and most pickpocketers are not interested in anything other than cash.  So, take a debit card or a traveler's check or something.

  3. Take a few hundred at most in cash or travelers' checks, and leave the rest in your home bank account.

    Then make ATM withdrawals as needed - you get a good exchange rate and save a lot of time.  (Bear in mind there will be a $3-4 "international withdrawal" fee each time, so you'll want to avoid a lot of small withdrawals.  Take out as much each time as your feel comfortable carrying around.)

    The biggest expenses in travel are airfare and hotel, and you've already got those covered.

    Even at the low exchange rate the dollar sits at vs. the Euro, $570 / day (350 Euros approx) is a very generous budget for meals, sightseeing, transportation and souvenirs.

    You COULD spend that much, of course, but using public transport, sightseeing,  and eating in modest restaurants, you won't come close to that.

  4. I only brought $1,000 with me when I went for 7 weeks, and that got me about 750 euros after the then-current exchange rate.  Unless you are planning to buy out a small chain of döner restaurants, you should be set ;-)  have fun, I'm truly jealous of everyone who's going to Germany when I'm not...

  5. Wow.. maybe a little too much..

    I'd only take like.. $1000 at MOST.

  6. More than enough!

  7. Yes, thats more than enough. Now have a good time with it!

  8. The average monthly income of the average German household is about 2600 € for 1.8 persons. That'd be US$ 2250 for one person for 30 days, so even if it's your holiday, US$ 5700 is more than enough for 10 days (granted, it is of course possible to spend that amount anyway ;-).

    However, as the others said, do not take any cash except for 50 € to 100 € to pay a taxi and some food or whatever the first day. Do not take any cheques, these are unknown (read: extinct since the mid '90s) in Germany. Traveler cheques aren't worth it either, you can only exchange them for cash at banks, and I'm not even sure if all banks accept them - and at what handling fee.

    Germans either pay cash or with an electronic payment procedure using the so-called "ec-card" (the former Eurocheque card handed out with every bank account). Regular items like the rent, electricity, etc, or, the other way 'round, their income, have been transfered directly from/to their bank accounts since decades. Same goes for mail-order stuff.

    You can use the standard credit cards, i.e. at least Mastercard & Visa, with all ATMs, restaurants and hotels (ATMs can be used in English, too). Many shops still only accept cash or the ec-card, and if they accept credit cards, then only above a specific limit due to the extra costs the credit card company charges.

    So, take 100 € in cash and a major credit card and you'll be fine.

  9. It depends on what you are doing, but $500 is probably more than enough.

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