
Is 5pm to early for 8month old to go to bed?

by  |  earlier

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I know 5pm is early but thats the time he wants to go to bed. I often keep him up until 6 but he is cranky about it. He sleeps til 2am and wakes to eat then goes back to sleep til 6. He takes a half hour to an hour long morning and afternoon nap. Is this an unhealthy sleeping pattern?




  1. I think this is way too early.  I don't like my baby to go to bed that early because I want him to eat dinner.  If he's cranky try to get him/her interested in something else.  Maybe try the walker or swing.  

    Ultimately this decision has to be up to you because you are the one not getting any sleep also.  Try to talk to the pediatrician about this.  They are going to be able to have a lot more suggestions.  

    Good Luck!!  

  2. i think so! i think around 6 30 or 7! but if the baby is tired put it to bed!  

  3. If it's not bothering you, there is nothing wrong with it.   Waking up at 2 am for an 8 mo old is a bit much, but if he's going straight back to sleep and it doesn't bother you, then don't worry about it.

  4. My daughter goes to bed at 6:30 7:00 ish and she is 3! My son goes to bed at the same time and he takes an hour and a half mid afternoon nap. If that's what he wants then let him do it!

  5. At 8 mths you should start trying to establish a nightly routine for him. I've done this with both my boys. Even if he's cranky and crying and driving you nuts for a couple hours, try to get him to stay awake until at least 7 or 8. He'll most likely sleep through the night and not wake up til 6 or 7. 5pm is fine so long as you don't mind waking up that early every morning. Keeping in mind if you let this pattern continue once he's older you're going to have quite an early riser on your hands. That could get exhausting especially in the toddler stage. haha Hope that helped.  

  6. my 21 month old son likes going to bed @ 7pm but likes to get up at 6am. my 6 1/2 year old girl would love to go to bed @ 9:30. i think it all goes back to when they are tired.

  7. It sounds like he's not getting enough day time naps.  At 8 months my son went to bed at 8, woke at 7, napped from 10-11 and 2-4.

    Waking at 2 am is unhealthy for everyone.  Distraction for bad moods might start working now.  Is he hungry at 5???  Has he had a busy day & in need of down time: songs, books, etc.?

  8. i do not know my son gos to bed at 7 or 7:30 and awakes up a 5 for a bottle then gos back to sleep til 8 then he gets up  eats then about two hours later he takes a hour nap.

  9. A baby should get 10 to 12 hours of sleep every day. He's probably sleeping too much. Have him go to bed at 7 and only let hm have an afternoon nap. It's up to you,so you decide.

  10. For an 8mnth old still waking in the night id say that its a bit early to put him to bed what id do is wake him around 8-9pm for milk and then put him bk to bed so he does wake at 2am and sleeps right thru...I wouldnt say its unhealthy but my health visito advised me to cut out night waking as soon as possible as they stay in the routine and it gets harder as they get older..I would def try it it will be beneficial for both of u as ul get a full nights sleep and so will he.

  11. if that's when he's tired put him to bed.

    he will get over tired if you keep him up.

    my 4 yo still goes to bed at 6 (ish) as he turns from a fantastic kid to the evil monster at 6.

    i thought it was too early, but that's when he's tired.  

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