
Is 60 thousand dollars enough to raise 3 children?

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is 60 thousand dollars enough to raise an 18 year old, a 16 year old and a 12 year old? my parents are getting a divorce and im staying with my mom and my two sisters and my mom makes only 60 thousand dollars, my dad is the one that is making all the money right now but he has a relationship with another women so he is getting a divorce and moving far away.




  1. Your dad should have to pay child support.   The dad should help pay for college for the 18 year old too.   Won't she be getting half of all marital assets?   Theoretically, no 60 grand isn't enough to raise three kids unless you never take them on vacation, they wear clothes from Walmart, they have no college funds,   eat cheap food like mac and cheese and ramen noodles and drink koolaid.

  2. Maybe for 60 days.Children must learn to share with their step-siblings.Play nice

  3. Not relly,teenagers older then me *14* want everything,

    butif its for needs like just food,clothing,and home well yea but u will lose money fast

  4. That is a lot of money a year.  Surely the 16 and 18 years olds can get jobs to help support themselves.

  5. Maby

  6. 30,000 a child...


    I don't see why not.

    I'm also assuming your father would be paying child support so yeah.

  7. You're kidding right? Sixty grand (I assume you're in the US) is almost twice the national averagefor a woman in her 30-40s. I'd say your mom is doing pretty darn well and unless you kids are ridiculously materialistic she makes plenty.

  8. man im a tell you u got heart, and i fought the same situation went to college, worked3 hours studies 2 hours, worked 3 hours man if u put ur heart to it u can do it and take a small loan if u need it get the work done and pay it off, same situation for me back in the day so i believe in you man  now its all good

  9. Well since they are older they know how much ipods, laptop, etc. We all know that about of teenagers want all those ( Who doesn't ) Haha! S0 60 thousands dollars should be enough! But if the 18 year old is in collage and the 16 wants a car ( If he or she doesn't have one ) then it would be spilt different! =] You have a great heart! The 2 older kids are old enough to get a job, And if your dad is going to pay child support then that should be more than enough! Good Luck I hope I helped! =]

  10. W-A-L-M-A-R-T.....

  11. Do you have another choice?/ you have to live with it. I am not sure what you will do with college?

  12. its more than enough

    at 18 and 16 u should have jobs and be helping out anyway

  13. Depends on where you live.  It costs a lot more to raise a family in California than it does in say Wyoming or Kansas.

    Don't worry about your parents finances.  You'll have plenty of time to worry about money when you grow up.  I'm sorry to hear that your parents are splitting up.

  14. A year? Yes. As long as the mother doesn't go hog-wild on her spending for them. As long as she budgets her money, there should be plenty of money to raise them.  

  15. if she doesnt use it for useless stuff they will be fine.your dad will take responsablity and take care of his kids though.

  16. It is more then enough if she is careful plus the older kids should have part time jobs to make some money to help her out.

  17. Yes. Families make it on a lot less than that.

  18. Possibly, but whether or not your dad decides he is going to move away, he can't abandon his financial responsibilities to his family.  Your mom is entitled to child support from him for regardless of how much money she makes.  She should hire a lawyer immediately to come up with an arrangement for child support and division of the marital assets.

  19. Yes it is enough my parents raised us with like 65,000 combined

  20. NO way i don't think so but maby untill the end of this year

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