
Is 6:05 a good mile time for a 7th grader.??

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im in 7th grade and my time in the mile is 6:05.... at the beggining of the year it was 7:37..... this was my first year for track and cross country.... at this rate what do you think my high school time would be??




  1. this is a really good time for a seventh grader when i was in 7th grade my time was like 8 mintues but know its like 6min and 30secs

  2. its a good time

  3. Your time is above average for a seventh grader. My best in seventh grade was 5:21 and didn't make it to state. You have a lot of work ahead of you but the sky is the limit. I saw guys have the same type of time you did at the same age and eventually they were down to 4:15 ~ 4:20 by their senior year and placing in the state meet in the top 5. It depends how committed you are in your quest.

    Good luck


  4. that is excellent for a seventh grader. at that pace, you should focus on breaking the 6 minutes by your 8th grade. from then on it really depends on your dedication and training program. i would estimate at least a 5:45 by freshman and 5:30 by senior. realistic goals.

    "the sky is the limit" don't let our comments stop you, if you are striving for more--you are fully capable of doing it. the most importing thing is confidence and determination. good luck.

  5. im not a pshyic or however you spell it but that is good

  6. For your first year, yes. by highschool maybe 4, 5 minutes?

    I can't really predict the future but with a good form and practice i'm sure you'll do excellent.

  7. that is really good for a seventh grader.

    im in seventh grade too, and i got a 7:30 on my mile run.

    so yeah, in high school you probably would start getting high 5 min. time.

  8. lol when i was in 7th grade i was so out of shape! i wasn't doing any sports yet and i timed it one was 9:47!!!

    when i got in high school i started doing track and it went to 6:23. im also in a lot better shape now and could probably do around 5 something. but i havent timed it in a while because im a sprinter.

    your time is very good especially for your age.

    you've improved a lot and you can probably get it to a high 4 or low 5 by time ur in high school if u work hard.

    good luck =]

  9. That's a complicated answer because we don't know how much you will improve or the competition among your high school and its conference, but long-story short: for a 7th grader, 6:05 is very good. If you can comfortably break 6 by the time you enter high school, I'm pretty sure any high school, unless they're nationally ranked, will see potential in you and place you on its varsity squad. Maybe the best question to ask was how many times did you run around 6:05, have you been running it multiple times and can't seem to break 6 or have you been plummeting down? I don't have much experience with anyone below 9th grade, but there's a lot of room for improvement as you grow, and if you keep growing, i think it's safe to say that you'll reach the 5:30s or 5:20s by 10th grade, maybe. Honestly, it's too early to tell. I'm sure there are some high state champions who ran that time in 7th grade and some not-so-good runners. I'd check the online running community at some sites i'll list in my sources. They'll even give you a chance to check out your competition at other schools:

  10. yeah a 6:05 is a good time. ive been running track and cross country for 5 years and i still cant run a 6 minute mile

  11. Thats good for middle school!

    If you keep working hard at it, by highschool you could have a 5:45 mile.

    Thats a good time so keep working hard!

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