
Is 6:48 good mile time?

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I am in 8th grade, a female, and i am 5'4 and i got a 6:48 in the mile. Is that a good time?




  1. it is ok,,but some may be faster

  2. yeah that is very good! in 8th grade i ran 7:13 and im now  a junior and a varsity track girl running 5:17! keep at it girl cuz with your time as a 8th grader would put you right with some of the girls in high school! definitly think about track in the future !!

  3. YES THT IS VERY GOOD. If you were in highschool and ran competitivly it should be a little lower. like between 4:30 and 5:40. but since you r 5'4" you should be proud of your running time

  4. Yes, that is very good.

  5. heck yea!!!

  6. um heck yes! good job!

  7. yeah dats reli good. most 8th graders i know run mile times 8 - 9 minutes so that is great! :)

  8. you'd kick the girls butts on our track team (we suck!) my best is 6:28 (8th guy)  but ive been stuck at the same stinking time for like a month and a half (after improving by like 2 minutes in my first 5 months of in shapiness)

  9. I am a guy, 7th grade, and I can run it in 5:15.

    There is this girl in my class who can run it in about 5:10.

    It's a good time, but ti could be a lot better!

  10. yes.  well, at least better than the athletic people in my school in 8th grade.

  11. I am a female runner as well and I was your same height when I was in 8th grade. I ran just under a 6 minute mile my 8th grade year. I believe it was a 5:49. When I first started running my time was about where yours was, but you just have to put a lot of hard work into it and get past your mental blocks. You can't let your mind control you when you run and you have to ignore the pain. Anyway, good job that is pretty good and I am sure you are only going to improve more. Trust me, you can shave off a lot of time from that mile time. I am sure you are capable of it. GOOD LUCK!

  12. sure is, keep going

  13. That's an alright time. I'm a guy and in 8th grade with a 5:57 mile, but I'm a guy, and I do a lot of training. Your time is alright, but I'm not sure how it'd place. I don't know what times place well for girls.

  14. yeah im a dude in the 8th grade and i do not run that fast

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