
Is 661 a decent experian credit score?

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Is 661 a decent experian credit score?




  1. It's not horrible but can be improved upon. Unless you're just getting established (new credit) chances are you have some lates/defaults on  your report. Keep everything paid on time and in full ...everytime ! Don't use more than 25% of your available credit.

  2. 665 is better. At your level, you're categorized as a Level 3-A risk which means you can get limited success in the procurement of trade-lines related to revolving credit. The collateral bases parameters will prevent any amount more than 40% of your line 32 on your 1040.

  3. Yes it is considered good.  I would also check Equifax, since I have found in the past that they seem to report more items than the other two credit reporting agencies - thus making my FICO score a little lower than Experian or TransUnion.

    This may not apply to you, but its worth checking out.  Some places (if you're applying for a loan) will pull all 3 credit scores and average them for the FICO score they will use for consideration.

  4. its ok what about the other 2. If that is the high score then if you go to buy something you may faind out it isn't a good score since most lenders use the middle score to determine credit risk

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