
Is 677 a good credit Score? What can I do to improve it ?

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Is 677 a good credit Score? What can I do to improve it ?




  1. Hey Debbie, it's not too bad a score at all...actually it's pretty good. You may be new to credit and/or had some lates in the past. Just be mindful about paying on time and keeping your debt usage to a minimum (no more than 20% on credit cards) and always, always pay on time.

    Dont apply for too much credit at a time. Ideal is every 2 years or so....if need be only.

  2. FICO scores range between 300 and 850. Ratings are as follows:

    ~ Excellent: Over 750

    ~ Very Good: 720 or more

    ~ Acceptable: 660 to 720

    ~ Uncertain: 620 to 660

    ~ Risky: less than 620

    The formula used to calculate your FICO score includes information based on several factors:

    ~ 35% on your payment history

    ~ 30% on the amount you currently owe lenders

    ~ 15% on the length of your credit history

    ~ 10% on the number of new credit accounts you've opened or applied for (fewer is better)

    ~ 10% on the mix of credit accounts you have (mortgages, credit cards, installment loans, etc.)

    The web site below has ways to improve your credit score

  3. That is a good score.. As long you pay your bills on time and only apply for credit and loans when you have to, your score will improve over time...

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