
Is 7.5 hours of work every week day a lot of work?

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just curious about peoples opinions. this is basically 9-5:30 with a one hour lunch break, weekends off. is that hard work?




  1. a little less than normal, norm is about 8 hrs a day that's a 9 hr shift with 1 hr for lunch

  2. No its normal.

  3. Well, I grew up in countries that people worked  12 hours a day include Saturday and Sundays i think  that is a hard work. 8 hour work is normal and i think it does not count as a hard work.

  4. no, that's typical. i work 8-5 with 1 hour lunch everyday so i actually work 8 hours a day.

  5. i work 9 till 5,6,7 depending on how busy i am, i work sat and Sunday for my parents i have to be up at 3 30 am both days and i don't get home till 530 pm, now that's hard work

  6. That is normal.

    Hard work usually constitutes hours over the 8-9hr mark.

  7. thats better than normal. a shorter day that what i work. that should be easy as, you will cope very easy.

  8. That's pretty normal. At the moment I do 8 hour days.

    I was in Iraq last month and we were doing 12 hour days, including weekends. Now that is hard work!

  9. No its not, Try working from 9am till 11.30pm every day with an hour and a half break in between.

  10. fairly normal i work 9-5 mon to fri with a half hour unpaid lunch. i then work 10am sat to 10am sunday as well, two separate jobs-cant live on one job and get shafted big style on tax in my second-what a wonderful country we live in.

  11. No, it an average work hours taking out 30 minutes of break. Employees also take off more time by way of smoke break, toilet break, tea break and so on.

  12. It depends on what kind of work you're doing. It's 37.5 hours per week, which is 2 and 1/2 hours less than the standard full time job. But if it's something that involves intense physical labor, that'd be pretty hard to do for that long.

  13. well seeing that I work 8am-6pm with an hours break, but dont usually take it, and normally in before that working, dont leave work on time ever, i think it should answer your question!

  14. 7.5 hours in a week isn't much compared to what some people work.

  15. It's a lot of work if you have a job like these:

  16. Thats a normal days work for a lot of people. My husband works from 5.30am - 6.30pm and sometimes even later.

  17. That's a typical 9-5 kind of job. It adds up to about 37 hours a week. I'm not sure if you get paid for lunch or not, if you didn't that would get you 32 hours a week.

  18. So that's like 1 hour a day, sounds good to me!

  19. it depends on what you are actually doing for work. But that is a normal day for the majority of people. Seeing as a full time schedule is 40 hours a week. 8 hours a day. But the difficulty of your job isnt the hours it is what you will be doing while there.

  20. That's easy.....I work from 6:30 am to 5:30 pm every day with a half hour break for lunch (52.5 hours per week doing Construction).

    You have it aren't even working 40 hours per week!

  21. noooo that is a normal weekday

  22. nope work a 12 hour factory shift  or a 16 hour nursing shift 7.5 aint nothing please!

  23. Not at all in my opinion but it really depends on what your doing.  I usually work 10 to 12 hours per day with no real breaks.

  24. Average, my friends dad has his own business, he used to work 7 days a week 12 - 21 hours a day, thats right, 21 hours a day, he's a millionaire now not suprisingly

  25. no not at all try working 10 to 12 hours aday 6 days a week in the hot sun. swap with you.

  26. That sounds pretty normal to me!  My husband works 8.30-6.00 monday to sat so thats longer!!

  27. nope


  28. no its not a lot is a normal,i work 8-5.30 with 1.30 hrs loung break,i used to work in ahotel 9-14:00-17:00-23:00 no weekends off and just 1 day off,that is bad

  29. it is just enough.

  30. not at all hard work. youre lucky. we require our employees to work 9 hrs a day, which includes 1 hr lunch break, 15mins am break and another 15mins pm break, which still runs to 7.5 working hours. BUT, we also work saturdays. depending on the status of employment, some work half-day, some complete 9hrs like a weekday.

  31. No, thats are working about 40hrs. that is full time hours. if you were done 80hrs+ in a week, that is what I would consider "hard" hork....

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