
Is 7% body fat bad??!!!?

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Im a 15 year old boy and i weight about 164 pounds i excersise and play outside mostly all the time but i have some fat around my belly. I took this test on and it came out as 7% body fat is that bad?!!




  1. First of all, no website can tell you your bodyfat percentage, you need a bodyfat scale for that.  No matter what that site says, it is not going to be accurate.

    Second of all, any bodyfat below 6 percent is pushing it and too low, that is what professional athletes and bodybuilders go for, but they have hired nutritionists watching every move and making sure they are getting the foods they will need at such low percentages.  

    At a bodyfat of 6-13 percent you are considered athletic.  At a body fat of 14-17 percent you are considered fit.  At a bodyfat of 18-25 percent you are considered acceptable.  At a bodyfat above 25 percent you are considered obese.

    Best of luck!

  2. if you consider skinny as a rail bad!  i have 10% body fat and almost have a six pack.  if i had 7% i would have a ripped six pack!!. if you are worried about your physical appearance get to the gym and start pumping iron and eating lean protein

  3. 7% body fat is only bad if you're an olympic diver or swimmer since they're usually 5% or less.

    My boyfriend is quite muscular and he is 15% bodyfat.  You shouldn't fall much below 7% unless you're trying to become a professional athlete.

  4. Nope.  Anything under 10% is very good for a guy.  Good job.

  5. If you had 7% body fat you would not have 'some extra fat around your belly', you'd be ripped as h**l. I don't trust online body fat calculators, get some body fat callipers instead.

    A good body fat percentage for a boy your age would be 9%-19%.

  6. not really. Only anorexics and junkies have 0% body fat.

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