
Is 7 stone 7lbs (105lbs for the americans) too thin for me?

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i am 28 years old, female, and have a medium build.

I am currently 8st 8lbs (120lbs), and would like to get down to 7st 7lbs.

Is that too thin?




  1. i weigh less than that but im 14 and im tall are you?  

  2. Yes, that would make you underweight.

  3. i am 5'1" and 100 lbs, and i feel great.  as long as you are healthy and happy, there is nothing wrong with your weight!  

  4. Your fine your weight! You way more than me and iam 14!

    Im quite tall so thats mainly why iam 9 stone!


    Keep your weight a few curves are brill for bikinis in summer!

  5. Check your bmi. Personally don't understand why you want to be that thin though, will you be perfect then and all your problems solved?Leave starvation to those who have no choice eh.

  6. Yeah, I think that would make you a bit too thin to be honest. You really don't want to get into the downward spiral of becoming addicted to losing weight, and constantly having the need to be skinnier. Please trust me - I experience that feeling every day. You set yourself a goal, but then when you reach it, you think "oh Ill just go 5lbs lower" and before you know it-  your in this big black hole you can't get out of. Personally, i find that my bones start to stick out if I go much below 107lbs, and I'm only 5"2!! So I think 105 would be too low for a much taller person.

  7. 8 stone would probs be perfect weight i would say

    but it depends how tall u r

  8. i think it is, im 5'4 and 7st 12lbs and my bmi is really close to the underweight section, 105 lbs is too thin for your height!  

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