
Is 72 degree water too cold for swimming?

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I am traveling to Fla. in about a month and am excited to be able to swim, I am hoping that it won't be too chilly. Please advise. Thanks!




  1. 72 is the best water to swim in

  2. Absolutely not, this is a very refreshing temperature and your body becomes accustomed to it very quickly.It makes you feel very good and refreshed when getting out and drying yourself off.

  3. YEAH it'll kinda be a little chilly but you can still swim just a little sting

  4. It is for me.  but get in the water your body will get used to it.  enjoy fla.

  5. It sounds good to me.  I live in Michigan - and 72 is a great temp for swimming, especially if the weather is hot.  Keep in mind, if you are traveling to a hotter climate than the one you are in, the people there may think it is cold and you may love it.  It is all a matter of perspective.

  6. For the ocean, 72-degrees (f) should be fine for playing around in and doing some recreational swimming.  For long distance swimming a dive-skin might be a good thing to prevent chilling.

    I'm a California beach swimmer, and we go in the water down to about 60-degrees.  Takes some getting used to, but it is certainly doable for controlled time periods.  72-degrees where I swim would be considered 'great', unusually warm.

    It all boils down to what your personal tolerance for cold is and what type of activity you will be doing.  One person mentioned 86 as the lowest for them.  That would be way too high a temperature for me;  but then my swimming is done for exercise as well as fun.  In a swimming pool workout temperature should normally be 80 to 84 degrees.  In the ocean you would almost always expect to be in the 70s at most with the exception of a very few tropical destinations.

  7. that's fine weather

  8. F or C. F should be OK. C - way too warm

  9. I've swam in colder than that...just don't stay in too long.

  10. no thats fine i go in even colder water than that

  11. If you're swimming in the ocean, it's going to be a little easier than if you were swimming in a pool. My rule for pools is nothing....NOTHING....under 86 degrees (and even that feels really cold). But in the're not really "swimming"...just avoiding I can take it a little colder.

  12. Currently the water is too cold to swim in. February is actually one of FL's colder months, so the water still might be too cold. Especially if you're going in the ocean, I usually don't go in the ocean until atleast March.

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