
Is 7th Grade A LOT harder than 6th grade?

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People say the 6th grade is easy, and 7th grade is MUCH harder. Are they right?




  1. well i just finished 7th grade and its not so much the work its the drama! 7th grade is the worst grade out of all of them! i am so glad i finished it... in my school there was so much drama and it doubles if your a girl... people accuse you of everything and its unexplanably depressing... my advice to you is to not join clique's and especially dont try and create drama... try to tell the truth at all times and never ever pick fights with people... 6th grade is so much better then 7th. you will learn that 7th grade is chock full of drama! the work isnt too hard but that depends on who you are! but also try to be mature about anything that comes your way! dont act immature it will get even worse! thats the best advice i can give you! best of luck to you! and i hope your 7th grade experience is much better then mine was!

  2. Hi...It's not that much harder than 6th grade really, its just a bit more challenging. If you follow the teachers instructions and if you dont break any rules you wont have any problems. The teachers in 7th grade are helpful and friendly and want you to  succeed. They dont go hard on you for the first few weeks of school for the first few weeks, untill you understand the rules and what ans what not to do. Then they expect you to know more.

  3. for me it was basically the same except for my math class. 8th grade was the one i had to try to keep up my grades.

  4. Was 6th grade a lot harder than 5th? Or 5th a lot harder than 4th? Or did they go up in difficulty pretty much the same.

  5. The higher the grade the harder it gets, thats why you go to school so you can learn, study and graduate Been there and done that a long time ago

  6. No. 7th grade is very easy, as they still baby you, but you've gotten used to the middle school lifestyle. 6th and 8th are much harder.

    Trust me, it's a breeze.  

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