
Is $8 per hour too much to charge for babysitting a 6 year old?

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i would pick her up from school and keep her at her home until 8pm




  1. it really depends on where you live. i live in a military town where everyone is on a tight budget and yes, that sounds extreme high compared to what people charge here. average daycare for a full day, any age is only around 100 a week here but i just talked to a lady who use to make 350 a week per child where she lived just because some parts of the country obviously make more than others but yes..$8 seems way too much to me esp since a 6 year old can do a lot for themselves, they just need supervision.  

  2. no not at all. i would prbably charge aroun d that price to. i bet its even fine to go a little higher at times but only if you were to babysit more than one kid, then i ould keep the price you are at now. I WOULD DO IT! and budget the money good!  save it for something!!!

    good luck with your babysitting....and tell me how it works out!

  3. yes i would say that is way too much.  I would say 4 dollars an hour plus gas money, work out a deal with the parents...depending on if you're providing food for her.  A 6 year old takes care of themself.....just play with her and read.....i'd say less but that's just me

  4. I would not go above 7.50 per hour depending on how far you had to drive to pick her up. If it is more then 5 miles i would say 8.00.  

  5. 6 years ago I was charging $10 an hour for this. Surely the wages for it has gone up since then. I would think you would need to ask for $12 because of the gas prices, the snacks, the homework, and the dinner, and tv time. You need to figure all of this into. After all of the deductions you are only profitting about $2 an hour.

  6. It's not up to me, but I wouldn't pay anyone $8 an hour to watch a 6 year old. ESPECIALLY if you're not getting taxes taken out of it.

  7. Mehhh It's a little steep... maybe it's just a slap in the face because I make $8.70/hour and I don't even get to stay at home :P But at 6 years old they're not too bad, maybe lower it a bit and it'll be just fine.  

  8. No that's not to much! I know a woman that charges $150.00 a week per kid... She will pick them up from school and keep them till the parents get off from work. She feeds them and everything though...  

  9. That's not even enough. I wouldn't take less than $10.00 for that.  

  10. No, I don't think it's too much at all.  

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