
Is 800 on Sat II worth the time?

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I recently took the SAT II subject tests. here are the results:

Bio M: 720

Math level 2: 780

i know i can do better on both of these subjects. should i take the time to retake it again? i don't know if i have the time with all my other activities and the Sat.Also, are these good enough scores for top colleges such as MIT?




  1. don't retake math 2.. 780 is GREAT. if you really want to work hard, i guess you could try to retake Bio M.. but 720 is also a really good score.

    just don't stress yourself out if you have other activities, especially the SAT. i'd rather get a 2400 on the SAT than try to shoot for 80 more points on an SAT II.

    the 780 is definitely good for almost any college.. as for the 720,  that's an ideal score for most colleges, but idk about MIT. check the website?

  2. if you really want to push it, just take bio again only if you're sure you're gonna study this summer.  see how much you do study this summer and if you're ready for it, then register as late as possible, so you know that you can do it... register like late august cuz i think the deadline is september.  don't register this week and say to ur self that u are gonna study this summer cuz u might not.  good luck!!

  3. Let me just get this out there- RETAKE YOUR MATH II!!!!!! The curve is so big that with a little work you can get an 800. I am in the same boat with Math II (I took it 3rd that day, almost fell asleep, and got a 750), and you can get 6 wrong and still pull an 800. The curve is so big that it is worth retaking, and I know that I am planning on it. For Biology, I would retake it if you are looking for MIT. As you might know, all the engineering school require either Chem, Physics, or Biology, and the higher the score the better shot you have at admissions. For Molecular Biology, a 720 is in the 75th Percentile according to the SAT Score Review Sheet (on the back of your SAT Score Report), and your Math II is in the 84th Percentile. I would recommend retaking both to get them up to the 90s (by the way, an 800 in Math II is only the 91st percentile). Bottomline, retake Math II and if you think you can improve retake Biology. Either way, best of luck with your scores.

  4. i think your math is okay, you can retake the bio,if you want.

    If you want to be an engineer, then you'll need near perfect/perfect scores

  5. I would think that's good enough.

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