
Is 9/11 real?

by Guest44884  |  earlier

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i've heard that bush set it up to make millions of dollars, and that there were bombs inside the twin towers. is any of this true?




  1. Yes real.  It sounds like you have much reading to do.

    Start with the Architects and Engineers for 911 truth.  Search Google to find them.

    People who think a cover-up is impossible are not thinking it through or do not have all of the information.

  2. No.  This has been thoroughly debunked by Popular Science magazine.

    "s***w Loose Change" goes over all the conspiracy theories and debunks them.  It's in video format, and is a nice watch:

  3. I don't remember if ther were bombs, but the relation with both towers don't mean anything else,,,as if  that would matter.

  4. My brother was in NYC, he saw the planes hit the towers. he ran from the falling debris.

    sad, but true- it really happened.

  5. this goes for everyone answering this:


  6. No

  7. it was real and it happened. but it is being debated whether or not the American government knew about it before it happened.

    since they allowed it to happen, the American people got tricked into starting a war with Afghanistan, which is now Iraq, which will soon be Iran.

    its all about money in the long run.

  8. Just ask yourself this: How many people would have to be involved in a conspiracy that large? How many people would have nearly indisputable physical evidence of such a conspiracy?

    Bill Clinton couldn't keep s*x with a single intern secret. Is Bush really that much more of a master spy than Clinton that he can keep a major operation like that secret? (And if he could, how come we know about the problems with the war in Iraq?)

    I don't think so.

  9. If you've heard this, then whoever mentioned it is sick. 9/11 was definitely NOT a publicity stunt - imagine how people would feel if this were true!! All those people dying just to make GW more money - that would be disgusting!!

    There were NO reports of bombs being found in the Twin Towers, and I think that, if there had been, we'd have been told by the media.

    Those aircraft genuinely did fly into the Towers, causing the damage that we all saw. I'm a British citizen, and I believe that what we witnessed was a genuine event, covered worldwide.

  10. HELLLLLO... did you not see the news footage?  Yes 9/11 was real and it was a real terrorist attack.  It was not a Bush conspiracy and the only "bombs" inside the twin towers were the two fuel loaded airliners that plowed into them.

  11. Are you kidding?!?

  12. Are you real? I've heard Bush put clones like you in the world to make the rest of us feel educated.

  13. I'll let you make up your own mind.  Look at this timeline...

    And did you know that 3 buildings in NY collapsed that day... but only 2 were hit by airplanes?

  14. Joe, can't you take a summer school course or something? You ask this over and over and everyone keeps telling you....yes, it was real, no bombs, only terrorists with box cutters flying planes into buildings.

  15. Sure, it is true... He decided to do it after the little green men appeared in a ray of light, took control of his mind, and convinced him to send out little worm like creatures to eat the brains of every living being on earth, so we would be ok with what happened.

    Elvis helped him plan it. Jesus planted the bombs (he was the safest cause if he blew up, his dad could just bring him back). The money is being held by the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, they just have to wait until the heat dies down to give it to him.

    Most of the worm creatures have died, but fortunately some did not, which is why some people still know the truth.

    With this... you may want to cover your windows and make a foil hat to keep your brain waves from being stolen.

    Oh yeah... Dracula, the mummy, Werewolves and ghosts are real, and the earth is flat.

    You should probably hide, because something is bound to get you sooner or later.

  16. Yes but don't think you are real

  17. No, don't let the conspiricy idiots tell you any differently.

  18. No, and for those who have lost loved ones, or knew someone who lost their lives, that thinking is just beyond me.  It was and still is a very sad day here in the States.

  19. Yeah, I heard that too.

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