
Is AARP just another big business ?

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There not at all competitive in the insurance rates. Is there anything to be gained by being a member? I wonder how much the CEO and other upper management people get paid.




  1. AARP doesn't sell insurance.  They're a CLUB.  If you join the club, you get the magazine, and get referred to an insurance company that's agreed to work with them (Hartford, maybe?).

  2. I saved hundreds of dollars through the home and auto insurance they sponsor, and I had "good" insurance before I joined.  I don't personally care how much the CEO is paid.  All I know is that I saved far more than the membership fee within 30 days after joining.  (I sound like an advertisement, don't I?  But it's true.)

  3. The CEO of AARP is William Novelli and he makes $420,000 a year salary.

    The insurance plans sold through associations do pay a % to the association as an agency. They are licensed and set up to legally get this commission.

    The real benefit is to the insurance companies having exclusive access to market the members.

    Some plans are better than you can get on your own, others are not as good. You have to do your home work

    The real problem with AARP is that most seniors are conservative and the AARP has a very liberal ajenda.

    You do have another alternatice

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