
Is ACTH an important factor?

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Are ACTH levels an important factors in sexual organs development? I read that they do produce some testosterone. Some info on ACTH and would it really matter if you had slightly lower levels of ACTH during puberty?




  1. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is the anterior pituitary hormone that directs the adrenal glands, whose function is essential to life. In a manner very similar to TSH, a delicate feedback mechanism controls levels of ACTH. The hypothalamus produces an ACTH-releasing factor that stimulates ACTH secretion from the pituitary into the bloodstream. Specially programmed receptors on the adrenal glands then pick up the ACTH. These receptors also send signals to the cell's nucleus to begin producing and secreting adrenal hormones. The hormones are released into the circulatory system, and their presence is communicated to the brain.

    ACTH also helps to regulate the metabolism. These hormones include glucocorticoids, which help control the body's metabolism; mineralocorticoids, involved in regulating the amount of water in the body; and progesterone, a hormone crucial to reproduction because it prepares the uterus for the reception and preparation of a fertilized ovum.

    Like many other hormones, ACTH is secreted in a circadian pattern, a period of time approximating 24 hours. Each person has his or her own internal circadian rhythm, which determines how much sleep that person needs, when he or she is most alert, and when he or she likes to eat. Disruptions of this rhythm can affect biological functions as well as moods and intellectual ability. Jet lag after a long flight across several time zones is probably the result of a disruption of the circadian pattern. For most people, ACTH is at its highest blood levels in the early morning. The adrenals are crucial to how well people handle stress, how rapidly they act and react, and whether or not they start the day with a boost of energy.

    (Nutshell: slightly lower levels would have a negligable effect on s*x organ development, it is more important for later reproduction.  "Slightly" reduced level would have no effect. hope this helps)

  2. It would affect development of sexual organs in the fetus, but not in puberty.

  3. As far as sexual development is concerned there are other hormones that are necessary like Hypothalamic Gonadotropic Releasing Hormone and pituitary LH and FSH.

    ACTH is an anterior pituitary hormone that affects the adrenals. It regulates glucocorticoids secretion mainly  & adrenal androgens secretion. Glucocorticoids have many important metabolic functions in the body.

    The adrenal androgens are not as potent as testiclar testosterone and DHT  (an active intracellular androgen derivative)and so there would NOT be much effect on sexual development during puberty due to lower ACTH levels.

    (However lower LH and FSH levels will affect sexual development during puberty.)

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