
Is ADHA considered a learning disability? And, is it more commone that ADD?

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Is ADHA considered a learning disability? And, is it more commone that ADD?




  1. ADHD and ADD is not considered a learning disability according to my counties Disability and Special Needs Board. Unless it's accompanied by another disability that qualifies. ADHD and ADD is also considered a mental, or pollitically correct term of psychological,disorder as it is diagnosed by meeting criteria in the DSM 4 book. I do think that it depends on who you talk to or where you go on whether adhd is considered a ld or not. ADHD is less common then ADD. Both however can be helped by medication, a true l.d. can't.

  2. ADHD and ADD are qualifiers under the category of Other Health Impairment.

  3. Really a good depends on the severity..

    My nephew is ADHD with ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) tendecies and there was a concern that as he progressed in his adult years that it could transition to CD (Conduct Disorder). Per the school psychologist, severe ADHD with the other connotations were considered a disability requiring behavior modification...per the Special Needs Co-ordinator at the school he attended ADD, ADHD ODD (emotional issues) were learning disabilities..

    The psychologist with the directly related Doctorial Degree's opinion outweighed the Co-Ordinator.

    We were fortunate. The ODD/CD concern did not become dominant.

  4. This has been a fight for parents to get it recognized as alearnign disability.  I think it is--If nothing else it falls under teh category of Healthg Impairment.

    ADHD stands out more because the child is hyperactive.  ADD may go unnoticed at the studnet may just sit quietly....

  5. They are both fake

    Made by people who think its a disease kids are hyper

    Like a 5 year old with "ADD" because he likes to play in the dirt and stuff

    Clearly he has mental problems and needs drugs right away.

  6. ADD (aka AD/HD, but I refuse to use that term) is a completely separate classification from a learning disability. ADD is a disorder resulting from slow brain waves in the frontal lobes. “The frontal lobes help us to pay attention to tasks, focus concentration, make good decisions, plan ahead, learn and remember what we have learned. The frontal lobes also help us to behave appropriately for a given situation.” This is completely different from a learning disability, which is a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations"

    ADD/ADHD actually has three different categories of symptoms that further classify the disorder: passive inattentive, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. ADD and HD(hyperactivity disorder) were combined into ADHD when researchers realized that the two disorders arose from the same area of the brain. The reason that I don't use the term ADHD is because not everyone who has an Attention Deficit Disorder is hyperactive. This can lead to mis-diagnosis of students who have passive inattentive ADD. I think better terms to use would be "Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity" or "ADD which causes passive inattentiveness" or something of that nature.

    So I guess the answer to your question, ADD is not a learning disability, although it is a disability that can effect educational progress.  My response to the second part of your question is that ADD and ADHD are the same thing. However not all students with ADHD are hyperactive.

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