
Is AFL really any more dangerous than rugby?

by Guest59959  |  earlier

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I've heard many people claim that Australian Football is one of the most dangerous sports going, how they commonly get broken bones, blah blah blah. Recently I've been watching it, and although, due to the nature of the sport it's going to be dangerous, it doesn't appear to be any more dangerous and "brutal" than a game like rugby.

The picture some people paint of Australian Football makes it seem like an unregulated, free-for-all bloodbath, when in reality it appears to be as restricted and regulated as most sports are these days.




  1. personal opinion.. AFL is no where near as dangerous, every two seconds they are stopping coz someone tackled or something silly... the reason there arent as many injuries in rugby is because they are bigger guys who are playing and can handle the heat a bit more...

  2. no

    both games all players are made to wear skirts

    bring back the BIFF

  3. no AFL and rugby are just as dangerous as each other

    they are both contact sports

  4. Nah it's no bloodbath..

    Very regulated just like rugby..

    I think it's 50/50, Injuries are just as regular and as hideous!

    Both look as gruesome as each other in slow mo!

    Its all good Aussie Fun.. heh

  5. I believe Rugby is more dangerous coz they can do many more different and dangerous tackles/throws whereas AFL have rules to protect the players from the throws/tackles that are in rugby

  6. yeah well i think so..they way they slam the rugby players into the ground is unreal,and you also have the players who like to throw other players over their shoulders,rugby is a bit like wreslting,they got the same moves...

  7. I don't know how soft rugby has become lately but if it hasn't, then no.  There's hardly any more physical contact in Aussie Rules.  If you want a contact sport then watch ice hockey.  They're crazy.

  8. Netballs probably the most dangerous. girls are b*****s when they play. when i played netball i was frequently pushed ova and scratched! id rather play a game of AFL with the boys then play netball.

  9. the problem is people try to compare the two and they're totally different,they're dangerous but in league you can get ready for the contact seeming they only run one way,in A.F.L you can get hit from any angle plus you can't tackle below the knees and the fact that so many rule changes have happened in recent years has softened the game a bit so i'd say the fact you can't see your oppent at times i'd say A.F.L is a little more dangerous.

  10. You're probably right mate, years ago though it wasn't so sanitized, it is driving us followers of the game mad, especially the ones who have watched it for years, they scrutinize every bloody thing.

    mate, it used to real tough when there was 1 umpire and one or two camera's at the grounds, some games never got filmed in the 70's etc, find a DVD of  ' the sensational 70's' i have it, then you will see what i mean.

  11. i think afl injuries are caused more from running and falling if anything, or maybe on going niggling injuries, i dont think much people in afl get injuries from contact with other players ( not saying they dont at all) but not as much as rugby does, both are pretty dangerous sports though

  12. No. It's not.

    FL is one of the most harmless sports going around.

    Mothers are encouraging their kids to play Aussie Rules due to the non-contact nature of the game.

    The only injuries players get now is when they strain a muscle or hurt a knee. In rugby the players strengthen their knees by being involved in scrums & tasckles.

    Aussie Rules players pu$$y-foot about & keep out of each others way.

  13. I agree that it has become more restricted in recent years although you don't see them take those flying leaps into the air or onto their opponants in the NRL, which leads me to believe that AFL players must take a harder landing and be at higher risk of injury in that respect. Also I believe that in a game of NRL the game moves in a fluent direction whereas in the AFL, it changes direction constantly putting more pressure on competitors joints and the likes. This may be what people mean when they refer to AFL as a rough game.

  14. yeah i think it is

  15. i think rugby might be rougher.... most things i can think of which are rough in AFL... rugby do too so... no idea i guess!

  16. I've played both and Rugby is far rougher than AFL.

    What's harder,  getting shepherded from the ball from an opponent with hip and shoulders, or getting cruhnched or run over by a 110kg Samoan or Tongan

    I'd rather tackle Matthew Richardson than Sonny Bill Williams anyday.

  17. I honestly believe AFL, except for tackling, has become a non-contact sport. Plus the tackling is so restricted nowadays one has to be very unlucky to suffer an injury due to a body contact incident.

    Ankles, knees, hamstring injuries & suchlike are the norm now.

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