
Is AGW as big of a success as Christianity?

by Guest45523  |  earlier

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I'll start by saying I am a Christian. No one can deny that christianity has been a huge success. Well there has to be reasons for this. It must have an appeal to human nature or depending on your perspective, his spirit.

AGW has many interesting parallels to the elements that make up christianity. For instance, both must recognize man as a sinner. In order to be saved, he must repent, forfeiting his old ways ( not driving SUVs)

I have one question though. In this twisted version of a great faith who is the Christ? Al Gore or

James Hansen?




  1. I see the similarities as both blaming man for something he hasn't done, forcing him to accept guilt for actions he hasn't committed, sacrifice himself for others desires, and delaying the enjoyment of life until after your dead.

    Hansen is more like Judas as he took $250,000.00 in silver from John Kerry's presidential campaign as a quid pro quo for saying Kerry had the best environmental plan.

  2. AGW is a scam created by the governments around the globe to provoke panic and to control societies.

    Time to wake up.

    My 2 cents.

  3. Lol, I didn't think of it that way!  But what makes them different it that one thinks humans should increase their population and use the land and the other thinks that people and the air they exhale are problems--and less people is better and freedom to live where you want should be controlled and limited.

  4. Congratulations!

    edit:  DJ:  You know, what you wrote:

    "I see the similarities as both blaming man for something he hasn't done, forcing him to accept guilt for actions he hasn't committed, sacrifice himself for others desires, and delaying the enjoyment of life until after your dead."

    makes you sound like quite the little atheist, or at least someone who doesn't buy into the divinity of of Jesus and much of the Bible.  Do you think that's going to go over well with guys like Roy Spencer or birddog here?

  5. The words "sinner" and "repent" are from your religion, not from the science of global warming.  

    There's nothing immoral about humanity having used fossil fuels for energy, before we knew the harm it could do to the environment (no "sinners" there).  And we don't need to stop driving SUV's, we simply need to start driving SUV's fueled by hydrogen or electricity generated from renewable energy (no "repent" necessary).

    And unlike a religion which has 1 leader (typically one the followers never question or consider fallible) those who understand the reality of global warming look to the evidence generated by 1000's of climate scientists over decades.  Virtually all have made errors here and there, but the scientific process (unlike dogmatic religions) adjusts over time as new evidence is brought forth. This self-correction of science is what enables it to move ever closer to truth and understanding.

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