
Is AMD faster than intel?

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Is the AMD operating system faster than intel? I was told it was. Why would it be cheaper and faster than intel?




  1. They aren't operating systems but processors.

    But anyway, at the moment the Intel chips are faster per clock cycle and per Watt than the AMD ones (and this is on laptops, desktops and servers).

    Though there are some instances in which AMD give the same performance for a bit less money (but with higher power consumption).

  2. Ok first of all AMD and Intel Do not make Operating Systems.

    They make CPU's and Intel makes the faster CPU, but AMD is only a little slower normally and is cheaper

  3. According to pcworld magazine intel is faster. I have used both and agree that intel seems faster. I planning to build a computer and will intsall Intel processor. Check out wwwpcworld,com they have most any answer one might need.  

  4. It depends on processor speed. But as I know AMD has more over locking opportunities than Intel. But Intel has more powerful technology than AMD. Double Core Intel works greater than double Core AMD, and this is proved by many computer magazines. But the one good thing about AMD is that it cheaper than Intel. Sometimes you can collect a faster system with AMD using right parts and it will be cheaper than Intel computers. I have AMD on my computer and I will buy it again. If AMD will face bankruptcy, Intel will be the only one to produce processors and they will easily rise the prices and you will have now choice, because there will be no other companies to "race" Intel. So you better buy AMD, so that at least some company can stop Intel on its way to monopoly. (It's only my opinion, I like Intel and AMD both, but I'm looking in the future)

  5. Faster is a relative term in the processor world.

    For games, AMD typically outperforms Intel, but only this area.

    When it comes to just about everything else, Intel wins.

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