
Is ANYONE FOR redistribution of wealth or just the poor?

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Just wondering since my husband and I both worked 2 jobs each to get where we are at and have NO INTENTION of handing ANY of it to anyone. In the words of Charlton Heston..........




  1. Yes, many Republicans such as Reagan and President Bush.

    Supply side, Voodoo, Reaganomics, or neo liberal economics is a redistribution of wealth.

    From the poor upward to the wealthy.

  2. I will gladly help mankind at my personal choosing certainly not by coercion. Your average American gives plenty everyday.

  3. I don't think we can redistribute the wealth anywhere. What we need is to improve the economy so everyone has a chance to improve themselves through less outsourcing of businesses, more accessible education and less tax cuts for the type of big business that DOES outsource their jobs and make the largest profits.

    I'm with you, I'd like to keep what I have earned personally and distribute it as I need to support myself, which also helps the economy, as we are all consumers who spend.

  4. Not all the poor thinks like that.  Just some of them.  

  5. A Democracy collapses when the majority realizes it can vote itself largesse out of other people's pockets.  That is what the democrat party is all about.  Enticing people to support taking other folks' stuff.

  6. I don't think its so much the poor who push for it.

    I believe it to be anyone who does not believe in themselves enough to make their life what they think it should be. And yet they are envious of those that do.

    Social responsibility is fine.

    Redistributing wealth fails every time it's tried.

    It like having one college student work very very hard. Doesn't party too much, studies, prepares etc.  This student gets a 4.0

    Another student just has a good time in college. squeaks by with a 2.0.

    Should the first student give the other student 1.0 pts of her grade point average?

  7. I agree, I work hard and save money.  Anyone can do that if they want to. It doesn't have to be a large amount, it adds up over time.  How about the people that say they cannot afford to save money stop buying all those expensive coffees, lottery tickets, going out to eat, buying expensive clothes or shoes, or electronics (cell phones, ipods, ect.)   It's amazing how much money you can save when you place the money you would have spent on those things away where it can't be touched until you need it.  

  8. It's just the poor. That's why the Dems pander to them with this kind of socialist nonsense. I would rather keep as much of my hard-earned money as I can.

  9. No because America is not a Socialist Government, and the quicker the Liberals learn the faster they will move to Canada so this can be a better country.  

  10. Actually the big oil companies are for the redistribution of wealth, from your pocket that is, everytime you fill up your car.  Exxon made 40 billion dollars last quarter, thats quite a bit of money taken out of the economy.  Those same companies are also begging for "corporate welfare" and tax breaks from the government which the so called "conservatives" are willing to give them.  So yes I am against the redistribution of wealth.

  11. I'd love to redistribute the poor.  

  12. you sound like Jesus!

    He would never hand over his money to the poor either. keep going to the wonderful church that taught you this wonderful philosophy.

  13. redistribution of wealth is moronic and infuriating.  we, too, work very hard for what we have.  there is nothing more irritating to me than those that would like to see an equal standard of living.  those people need to pick themselves up off their a$$es and make something of themselves!  

  14. you can pry it from my cold dead hands? Amen to that!

  15. Most wealthy folks believe in and do help the poor in the form of charitable donations, community service, etc. They have control over where their money is going and know that it helps those who truly cannot help themselves.  When the government steps in and starts taking money, it gets spread out to who knows where, even those who abuse the system and simply refuse to help themselves.  That's what makes wealth redistribution an outrage.  So, if Obama and the Dems insist on taxing the h**l out of the wealthy, those same people will probably stop funding charities that actually make a difference in the lives of those who really need help.  If I have a say, the government will not get a dime of my money to appease some lazy low-life that won't work.

  16. Wealth redistribution relies upon coercion.  I cannot support coercive acts.

  17. Sure. The Bush administration and the GOP have been doing it for years. They've cut taxes t the wealthy and used the money the middle class pays in taxes to give billions in subsidies to the oil companies and their other corporate friends.  They take taxes paid by working people in Blue States and redistribute int in Red States.

    The right wing is all for redistributing income. They just differ on who gets the money.

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