
Is ASEAN the association for self-enrichment and nepotism?

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Or did I miss something?




  1. You mean they used the ASEAN as an organization for the purposes you mentioned? I don't think so.

    It was a misfortune that it was allowed to happen. In Indonesia, setting aside questions of human rights and morality, Suharto, for all his faults, brought 8 percent to 10 percent growth annually. He probably wasted 3 percent to 5 percent on his cronies, friends and family, but the country was moving ahead. He was 77 - he's not going to live forever. Now tens of millions are impoverished. Should the Indonesians forward their complaints to ASEAN then?

    The same case with the other President.  Self-enrichment is best done solo. Not via an association of several leaders. That would be a case where too many cooks spoil the broth. ;)

  2. The ASEAN was formed not for the benefit of certain individuals but a forum of member countries to address regional economic, social and cultural development. It is also a vehicle in promoting security, stability, justice and the rule of law in the region.

  3. ASEAN was organized for economic cooperation for the leaders to enrich themselves while in power.  The likes of Suharto and Marcos became rich because of ASEAN.

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