
Is Acevedo-Vila trying to cause a confrontation between our people and the Federal government?

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Is he instigating a confrontation?




  1. He is trying to confuse the issue that he broke the law by portraying himself as a victim of oppression from the federal government.  Acevedo Vilá has always done whatever it takes from him to come out on top, so it is not surprising that he is trying to deflect the issue away from himself and arguing that he is just a victim of the big bad wolf.  But still, he still asking for money from that same goverment that he says is oppressing him unjustifiably.  The truth of the matter is that he broke the law and knows that they only way that he can try to escape from justice is by making the silly argument that Puerto Rico is being treated unfairly and he is just the last example of the injustice of the federal system.  Thus, he goes against what his party has preached since 1952, that there is a "compact" between the U.S. and Puerto Rico.  His ploy is to portray himself as more nationalist than Albizu Campos and at the same time reaping the benefits of all the federal money that flows into Puerto Rico.  He is a liar and a cheat and deserves to be in jail, which hopefully will happen once all the evidence is presented and proved beyond any reasonable doubt that he did what the federal goverment alleges he did during his campaigns.

  2. I actually have been hearing that it's a conspiracy from the US government. The US supposively is trying to make PR look as bad as possible because they want to drop PR as a commonwealth. They don't need us anymore. Pharmacuetical companies are leaving. The Navy left Vieques. Plus we never fully accept the US. Now whether Acevedo-Vila did steal money or not, the US is making it a huge story as well as other bad news from PR. I dont know if it's true.. but it definitely makes you think..

  3. yes he is, but it won't work.  and don't read too much into the conspiracy theory of the U.S wanting to get out of PR.  Although tempting for some wishful thinkers, US citizens (as all PR's are) will not be denied their rights. both the left and right wingers in the US Congress will not support abandonment, albeit for different reasons.  of course there may be some form of modification to the status but never total withdrawal.  Hard to imagine unless the US does a 180 turn and avoids total entanglements as envisioned by some founding fathers.  Not likely anytime soon.

  4. he's playing like he always does. This guy has no credibility among the puertorican people, he has lie to the people in so many times that he really has a big moral problem, and to tell you the truth Acevedo vila biggest enemies, are not the Federal attorneys nor the  federal government his biggest enemy its the economy, which its in a recession way before its started in the Us, his biggest enemy its his lies, his lack of credibility and all the damage he has done, raising and implementing more taxes and taking money from the peoples pocket to put it in his and his friends, now he wants to look like the victim, the hurt, the wounded, Puertoricans are way smarter than that, we dont believe his lies no more and this fight its not for the people of puerto rico because we didn't took all that money he used to spend it on his family vacations and to buy his 5k brioni suits.

  5. No he is just waiting to be prove Inocent

  6. Probably is trying to attract the independentistas' votes for the PPD in this election.

  7. As of todays news, since he became gov., 100 of his cabinet heads resigned and are now going to testify against him. He did what he did and he should pay for it. The party that he is in is the Partido Popular which is a party that makes promises and does nothing. He went all over the island putting up signs of improvements to be made in all communities and nothing is done yet. Where I live nothing has happened. He is against the Federal Gov. and under the Constitution of Puerto Rico Part 4 Section 10 the head of the House here has a right to impeach him or any official who incurrs in wrong doing and Part 3 section 21 states that the governor will be impeached, taken out of office. So far this has not been done yet and he has to be removed. He and his party are wrong. They do not obey nor uphold the Constitution of Puerto Rico which was written based on the Constitution of the United States which in the Constituion of Puerto Rico it clearly states that "the people and government of Puerto Rico will defend and up hold the Constitution of the United States of America".

      I do hope the Federals take him away in an orange suit.

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