
Is Adelaide ready for a disaster, What plans do we have and what disasters are we ready for? ?

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  1. adelaide IS a disaster.

  2. go look it up on google.

    considering we are the southest in the world i doubt that anything will happen. we arent prone to disasters.

    the only disaster that will happen here is homelessness and suicide from the bloody government and interest rates.

  3. Adelaide is a Disaster..

  4. Not doing a Thesis are we?

    Asking such a question seemingly with bibliography, will probably become a flag on some government department's computers, so if you are doing a thesis, talk to the correct people - namely Emergency Services (they all have PR spokespeople) - CFS, SES, Police, Fire, Ambulance.

    The Premier's Department, I believe, also has a major disaster plans. There is no shortage of people who are in the business and who can tell you what is, without giving up too much total logistical information (without paranoia, total logistics given to the wrong people, or the wrong people getting hold of that information, is definitely dangerous).

    The World Trade Centre and Bali saw to that.

  5. Adelaide is as ready as any other large city.

    The emergency services have planning and training/scenarios regularly. There is a state incident room ready to activate at any time when a major incident is happening. It is manned by all the emergency services and co-ordinated from a central location.

    The main problem with any disaster is getting the man-power and resources to the incident in the first place. These things take time.

    The Kangaroo Island bush fires was a good example of all the multi-agencies coming together and working as a team, from the CFS (fighting the fires) through to the Salvos (feeding the volunteers).

    It involved many man-hours from CFS, MFS, Nat. Parks, SES, Police, St Johns, SAAS, Salvos, Air-support etc. etc. All these people have to be fed and watered and there is an agreement with a large supermarket chain to fill shipping containers with foods and water and supplies and then truck companies to transport those containers.

    I am involved with CFS and know the logistics involved with all the emergency services and the Govt.

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