
Is Adobe Flash Player 'Installer' safe?

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Some sites do a continuous popup That says "this site wants to intall Adobe F P Installer. If you trust this site 'click here'.

Has anyone had any problems with this install,etc???





  1. If you want to install Adobe Flash Player on your PC, go to:

    and click on the "Get Adobe Flash Player" button.

    If some random web site is saying that it wants to install some piece of software, don't do it. is safe, where "safe" means "not purposely malicious". The Adobe Flash Player installer, when downloaded from a safe site like, is safe.  But, a program called "Adobe Flash Player Installer", downloaded from a site you don't trust, could really be anything, including a trojan or virus, that some malicious person has renamed to "Adobe Flash Player Installer" so you'd be tricked into running it.

    If you insist on running such a program, download it to your disk first, right click it, and choose "Properties", and look under "Digital Signatures" to see if it was signed by Adobe.  If it isn't, be very very suspicious.

  2. You should always be careful that the site you are visiting is not scamming you into downloading some malicious software disguised as Flash Player.

    Check Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel - is the software you are being told you need already installed?  If not, manually type in "" in the address and go find the install program yourself rather than trusting a prompt from a website you might not trust.

  3. Yes Adobe Flash Player is safe. Sites like Youtube uses it. You can play lots of games using it.

  4. I use Flash in my Linux box, and never have had a problem. I would download it from the Adobe website only, were I you on a Windows box.

  5. Adobe is completely safe.

  6. Never accept ANY kind of a "forced" download from ANY website. NEVER.

    You have no way of knowing if the site is delivering the genuine software, a virus or a trojan.  Most malware these days is spread by tricking the user in downloading malware disguised as something else (trojan horses).

    If a website wants you to install something...always  see if the site works without the new software, the new codec, the new Active-X control. Often it will work just fine.

    If you do find it necessary to download something, never download from the site that asks you too.  Go direct to the manufacturers site. In this case, your Adobe Flash is available here:

    The internet can be a nasty, dangerous place. Always know exactly what you are downloading...Don't get conned!

    Good luck.

  7. It is aslong as you get it staright from the official adobe website.

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