
Is Agnostic samething or close to being Jewish?

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I know Agnostic don't completely believe theres a God, they just don't go by the bible. But I really don't anything about the Jewish religion except with Hitler in the history books.




  1. They are not similar:

    Jewish people believe in God, but don't believe that Jesus was the son of God.

    Agnostic people are uncertain of whether God exists -- they are open to the possibility, as opposed to atheists, but they aren't necessarily gung-ho.

  2. nothing to do with the different faiths.  i thought agnostic believed in God but not religion.

  3. One has nothing to do with the other...

  4. Wow...

    Jews believe in the same Abrahamic god that Christians believe in.  They do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah.  And what the Christians call the "Old Testament" comes from the Jewish religion.  (Although the text does not correspond exactly to the Tanakh.)

    Agnostics believe that god/gods are unknown and/or unknowable.

  5. No, its not at all close to being Jewish. Those who follow the Jewish religion believe in God and follow Him.  

  6. Agnostic means a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.

    Jewish means you believe that Jehovah (YHWH) is God.  Judaism is one of the Abrahamic religions (Islam broke off Christianity, Christianity broke off Judaism, Judaism was the original Abrahamic religion and is a thousand or so years younger than the Hindu religion which is unrelated.)

  7. No, the Jewish people don't think the Messiah is come yet. They didn't recognize him when he came. They are still waiting.

    Jhn 1:10   But although the world was made through him, the world didn't recognize him when he came.  

    Jhn 1:11   Even in his own land and among his own people, he was not accepted.  

  8. Your definition of "agnostic is pretty accurate, but (although there are some Jewish agnostics) practicing Jews have little in common with agnostics. Jews are the people of the Old Testament--the people who included Abraham, Moses, David, and the prophets.  Jesus was a Jew.  However, most ot the Jews of his day didn't accept him as the Messiah,and apparently those who did blended into the crowd of converts and ceased to be Jewish.  Jews to this day practice the religion of the Old Testament and worship the God that Christians worship.  After all, they had him first!..  If you'd like to learn more about Judaism, one book you might like is Herman Wouk's This Is My God.

  9. They are completely different.

  10. Agnostics take the position that they cannot know whether there is a god or not.

    Judaism is a religion which has been around for some 4000 years, originating in the ancient near east. At the time, it was radical for being monotheistic. There' s no way to sum up Judaism concisely, so I've added some links.

    Please take care not to get your information on Judaism from Christians. Their scriptures were written at a time when it was politically harmful to be associated with Judaism, thus they do much to belittle Jews, Jewish leadership, and Judaism.

  11. For heaven's sake, go to wikipedia and look up Judaism.  That's as good a place as any.

    Agnostics are not sure if there's any deity.

    Jews most definitely believe in deity.  They believe in one specific deity known as YHWH, Elohim, Adonai and many other names.  Their teachings about this deity make up the Christian Old Testament.  The god of the Jews is also the god of the Christians and the Muslims.  

  12. Agnostics are open to the existence of God, but unmotivated.

    Jews worship Jehovah God, the Old Testament of the Bible covers their history.

    (Hitler was a 20th Century enemy of God and the Jews.  

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