
Is Agriculture a good choice for a major?

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Is Agriculture a good choice for a major?




  1. Chosing a major for a course  entails chosing your career therefore your future.In may view no course is more important than the other.Agriculture means food and if there is no food then there is no life.My friend, grab the opportunity and be an angent of life propulsion on Earth.

  2. Yeah... You will be benefited if you do the majors in Australia... You will get the land and subsidies from the government and also the output of the land will be all yours....

  3. yes

  4. Well it all matters to what your passion is for. Personally i think i would be a great opportunity. I'm apart of the FFA that teaches Ag. Agriculture is what i plan on majoring in. Today less and less people are working on farms. Now only around 6% of American citizens are working in the Agriculture field. It is also not as easy as it may seem. Its not just feeding animals or watering crops. It also is record keeping and much much more. I honestly think its a great exprence!

  5. Yes...and no.  There will always be a need for certain people, no matter what happens in society.  Doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen, prison guards, and of course farmers.  All are needed.

    If you live in the U.S.A. most of the farmers are in their 60's now, with no younger generation stepping in to take up the reins.

    However you need to clearly realize the modern agribusiness is ONLY designed to profit the companies that sell the farmer the equipment, seeds, chemical fertilizers, ect, and the big box stores which sell the products the farmer produces.

    Modern farmers are now slaves to mortgage, and loan payments.  You need to realize that it's not just that the farmer has to make enough to make these payments, but that the lenders also have a say in HOW a farmer does things.  They do not allow a farmer to deviate from the "norm" and do something that might provide better profit for the farmer, or be kinder to the land.

    Almost all farmers have at least one family memeber (usually their spouse) who works off the farm and often brings in the actual income and health insurace they live on.

    If you plan to be an alternative farmer, you will have to do everything yourself.  There are no programs, nor Government subsidies that help farmers to raise foods in ways that are kinder to the enviroment.

    If you plant to work in the agribusiness area for one of the big companies, like Monsanto, or ConAgra, you might make a very good living wage, but find yourself working in an office all day long, never seeing nature, and having little job satisfaction, though making good money.

    You also need to realize that a TREMENDOUS amount of what you will be taught in school simply will not be true.  However the major agricultural colleges are extremely well funded by companies like Monsanto.  So the colleges teach what Monsanto and the other big companies want them to teach.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

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