A few days ago, I met some students who are from church of God( called 'witness of Ahnsahnghong' ) and talked about the truth of the Bible.
They said Second coming christ ,prophesied in the Bible, came to Korea and He is Ahnsahnghong.
I ask them How can we recognize Him as the second coming of the christ.
They saying, only He who restore the passover of the new covenant ,which was abolished by satan , is our God(*they show me some verse : Isa 25:6, Jer 31:31)
Is it possible for human being to become God?? or God came to this earth in the Flesh?
And why should he came to Korea among many nations on this earth?
I don't understand exacly. what do you think?
I want your opinion about Ahnsahnghong in the right way.