
Is Akon Muslim?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Mahallah...:))

  2. me not thinking akon is muslim because his video and name shows that he is not muslim
    but according to lyrics of senegal he is may be muslim confusion great confusion which is cleared by akon.

  3. akon he is muslim masha allah!!!!!!

  4. yessssssssssss he is!! muslims are famous man!! xx

  5. yes he is a muslim

  6. yes he is

  7. yes AKON Ft iS MUSLIM Is there a problem? Pride is for him to be a Muslim

  8. Akon is Muslim and so am i so we should get married...

  9. Akon is Muslim and so am i so we should get married...

  10. yes akon is a muslim

  11. Yes Akon is 100% Muslim every website said that he is, and i am proud! Because i am tooooooo!
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