
Is Al Gore Deceived?

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Can it be? Are those Martians and Plutonians driving SUV's and making lots of merchandise in their factories to sell in Mars-Mart?

Do you still believe Al Gore?




  1. Did you even read your link?  If you did you'd know that the detected warming of Mars is actually caused by orbital variations and not increased solar output, SUV's, or Mars-Mart.  Since we know our own planet isn't experiencing the same orbital variations as Mars, the theory of human caused global warming is still the only theory that holds up to scrutiny.

    You should read the following articles to gain a better understand of the warming of Mars:

  2. It seems that it is not Al Gore who is deceived, but all the people who don't want to change their lifestyles, or take any responsibility for their actions. We Know the US is the largest emitter - it's citizens produce 25% of all global warming emissions - and that is done by only 4% of the world's population. We Know that for the US to keep this up there would need to be six Earths to supply it, but Australia already needs three Earths, so that's eight Earths we are missing as supply depots to keep those countries running at their same lifestyle levels. Then of course there are the other 9 Earths needed for the rest of the planet, so we are already missing 17 Earth size planets, with all resources, needed to keep us all living the way we do - but I don't see them in the solar system, so I think it is time for everyone to have a rethink about 'basic needs' and acept that we cannot have it all - or we will all perish!

  3. GW is real, it invented Al Gore.

  4. Ahhhhh!  I haven't heard this one in a while.

  5. Yep, still believe him.

  6. Nope.  Nor are all the scientists.

    Only a few planets are warming (so it's not the Sun), for different reasons.

    On Mars it's giant dust storms.

    On Earth it's mostly us.

    I've never believed in Al Gore.  I understand the data, which says this is mostly us.  So do these guys:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  7. yes, though global warming would happen anyway we humans are speeding it up. our climate is changing drastically as compared to other age periods were global warming occurred. I am certain that those planets did not heat up over night instead it was a gradual process, earth on the other hand is making swift changes that is costs money and lives

  8. What the heck??? March 2007? You are 1 year behind.

    Edit: Bob, can you explain how Pluto warmed? Anyways, how do we know it warmed!?!?!? Pluto is so far away and so cold, it should be impossible to tell the difference.

  9. Al Gore is not deceived...  He absolutely knows the truth, otherwise he would have no reason to lie about global warming and allege that the seas will rise 20 feet, instead of 23 inches as his own scientists have advised.

    It is ironic that other planets are warming because of the sun EXCEPT for here... OMG the crisis is upon us, lock up the pets and stock up on water.....

    It is abusive that some of the young people that come here, actually believe this c**p and are stressed over it.  I wonder how many suicides, mental and physical problems can be associated with this scam.  It is incredible that people place a dime above the well-being of our youth!!!!!
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