
Is Al Gore a hypocrite?

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  1. Yes, what's your point.

  2. yes and no - his home is powered naturally - but it is pretty big.

  3. the man is doing a very good deed for the human race, he is a known person/celebrity and he is for a good cause. not like the actors and i mean actors that are protesting for the writers, we  have one planet to live on. if we were a smart species we would colonize mars and use jupiter and venus for power sources. but no we go to iraq to fight for oil. there are so many resources out in this solar system and we try to kill off the human race trying to start world war 3. there is a better way to combat over capacity of the human race. that of course is to colonize mars. we need 8 billion people to take on the solar system, if we do not go into outer space we will end up fighting each other nation for resources in the next 20 years.if we were an inspired and intellectual species we would go full force at fusion and terraforming. instead of funding the iraq war we could fund the united states college and universities. that is the future. if we do not then we will be the next ancient greece and rome. a great civilization only lasts 400 years on average. were only at half that and we are already losing steam. oh yeah, al gore is not a hypocrite but he pisses me off for not running for president. he says he can do a lot more to combat climate change being a citizen. meanwhile the most powerful man in the world invades iraq for more oil that will cause an acopalypse in the coming future. if you think you can do more as one man then as the man you are insane. i think both gore and bush are both puppets in the big game that is played on common folk. not trying to start a conspiracy but, why would gore not run. if hillary is in the lead right now mostly because she is a democrat, then why wouldnt gore run?

  4. YES

  5. No more than neocons are hypocrates for saying they are pro life, then sending nearly 4,000 US troops to die for a lie.   Or priests for saying homosexuality is evil then molesting thousands of little kids.

  6. Not at all.  How dare you question his commitment to the environmental movement.


    John Travolta

  7. No.

    While I think generally it's good to practice what you preach, I think that Gore's positive influence in educating people about global warming far outweighs his energy use.  Also, not included in the article is where he buys his electricity.  No, he doesn't appear to be conserving much, but he might at least be purchasing renewable power.

  8. YES!

  9. what a second doesn't Al Gore also travel with a motorcade too??? Yea he does beacuse he has a secret service attachment

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