
Is Al Gore also going to blame the recent rash of earthquakes on global warming?

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I mean, its logical right.... the globe is warming and suddenly we had a big earthquake in China, and a 99% chance of a significant earthquake in California... It must be because of global warming... Just like the Cyclone in Myanmore... Gore better get on top of this and get some more free publicity by accusing random things of being caused by global warming.. What do you think?




  1. Probably, but not everything should be contributed to global

    warming.  I'm not at all sure if I agree with Al Gore that global

    warming is due to carbon emissions which can be caused

    by man.  I think that the earthquakes and the cyclone are more

    or less natural disasters in which God is in control.

  2. Probabably because anything can be attributed to 'global warming' as long as so many minions are willing to believe it to make them selves feel important and that they care.

  3. he'll probably try but earthquakes are geological with no effect from the climate. There is no man affected global warming

    go to-

  4. This is not a question, this is a rant.  And a tired one at that.

    No, not to blame ................... and I think you could ask better questions if you wanted to.  Latent hostility seems to be getting in the way here.

    Gore is not the issue.

    The man seeks to promote a cause.  Hard to do with the sound off in the dark.

    It ain't exactly free.  Gore devotes a significant amount of time and energy to the effort.

    He's not accusing, he's explaining.

  5. Sure, why not. When you make something up you blame anything you want to on it.

  6. Knowing him, yes. Unfortunately, the correlation between earthquakes and global warming involves a complete lack of logic. Is this a serious question?

  7. Well why not?  He already blamed those cyclones on global warming.  What else can be a result from global warming?  How about earthquakes?  Those are pretty scary, people will buy that for sure.  Oh, and I lost my car keys this morning, must be global warming!  Damnit that guy is such a k**b job.

  8. See children, this is a perfect example of faulty logic used to discredit a hypothesis or theory. Usually done by person(s) that do now really understand the theory they are trying to disprove. Often done out of fear, ignorance and or greed. See also Fox news.

  9. Al Gore is a WHAT?!!!

    A scientist? Hmmm.... I guess that would make me a pregnant mammal chicken-bird.




  10. He will only if he can prosper financially from this which has been the case from the start.

    You got it Amy. Gore does devote a significant amount of time and energy to the effort by burning more fossil than 99% of us Americans when he's flying around in his private jet to tell us about global warming/greenhouse gasses and living in a 10,000 square foot mansion. He's a hypocritical fraud and all of you liberals are dumb enough to eat his c**p.

    Do as I say, not as I do. The liberal elitist manifesto.

  11. I have little doubt that he will try before long to push off the ideal, its so sad that we actually must continue to pay that man for the rest of his life.  

    Kinda sickening.

  12. WHO ?????

    I do not know any scientist called "Al Gore"

  13. well u see he has a Nobel peace prize so i mean who's gonna question that guy(besides 90% of scientists) he says stupid stuff, picks up a dictionary and throws in some big words, and passes it off as undisputed truth becuz as magnus put it best gore is a k**b job and will find scientists and climatologists that wanna get their name in the papers to agree with him btw "global warming" is a theory so don't pass it off as fact u bum until he finds an impartial study of global warming i'm not believing one word he says or any1 else

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