
Is Al Gore putting on an outer protective layer in anticipation of the inevitable and upcoming global cooling?

by Guest31673  |  earlier

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Is Al Gore putting on an outer protective layer in anticipation of the inevitable and upcoming global cooling?




  1. hey, hes doing his part, hes locking up some carbon in all that al gore biomass.

  2. He needn't have packed on the pounds that he has.When your cloaked in that much stupidity,even the Antarctic can't touch you.

  3. Haha! I agree!

    Also- I agree there's global warming, but until he stops using a ton more power than I use at his gigantic house, I'm not listening to him.

  4. LOL. Bloated and dumb is not a good way to go through life.

    Al needs help.

  5. Never liked the guy much but he's made some great points.  Hopefully he doesn't have an alternative agenda...

  6. It sure looks like he is.

  7. do you mean that next ice age that is due in another 5 000 years? because i dont think anyone should be planing that far ahead.

  8. It looks like he has.  Has anyone seen how fat this dude has gotten?

  9. Al Gore the lard a@@

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