
Is Al Gore the nation's biggest hypocrite? His carbon footprint is five times the average citizen?

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His mansions and private jet use more fossil fuels than any five normal families. does he really think that we are all that dumb? There is evidence that he world is actually cooling. What a liberal huckster he is.




  1. He's an idiot.

  2. But if we're really serious about the environment and wish for someone with high standing_in this case a person with high prestige, etc._to represent us in front of agencies, summits, government officials, organizations, etc., do we expect him to get there riding anything else but an airplane????!!!!!!!

  3. Of course he is. The news has brought this up many times.

    The biggest way we can help the environment is cleaning up trash and other damaging litter.

  4. For psych, Im sure normal people share jets.  Public transportation is almost always less offensive to the environment.  

    Yah hes a hypocrite.  

    I still believe its a real problem though.  The fact that ice is breaking off into the ocean at both ends of the planet is a... a... well a fact that we can observe.

  5. I know he is tall, but I don't think his feet are that big.

  6. How sad that we chose a chimp over a nobel prize winner.

  7. He's a rev wright for the white man. says one thing and does the opposite.

  8. How do you travel?  Can you find a better way from getting from point A to point B.  Please tell me so we can have a lower carbon footprint.

  9. He's addicted to a carbon rich lifestyle.

    I think he needs a 12-step program.  Maybe Carbon Anonymous?

  10. I agree with one thing Al Gore says on Global does exist.  I believe we need to be aware of what were are doing to the environment, but until all these rich politicians and entertainment people live how we live (the common American citizen) they have no room to vomit such hypocrisy.  I don't believe it is happening at the alarming rate he says it is.  I believe that as his pockets get fuller and the Entertainment world Spits back his overreactions to the rest of us, stupid people will follow.  The rest of us, will laugh at the followers because they are so weak minded to follow a hypocrite.

  11. Al Gore is like the rest of the far left loons. They want to tell us how we should live. It's not meant for them.

  12. Yes, he does think we're that dumb.  And to his credit, a lot of people are dumb enough to give him a pass because he buys carbon credits from himself.

  13. Gore’s family has taken numerous steps to reduce the carbon footprint of their private residence, including signing up for 100 percent green power through Green Power Switch, installing solar panels, and using compact fluorescent bulbs and other energy saving technology.

    Gore also purchases carbon offsets to offset the family’s carbon footprint

  14. Al Gore is part of the radical extreme left of the Democratic Party.

    The radical extreme left began hijacking the Democratic Party back in the 1960's.

    The radical extreme left hates us. One of the derisive epithets that they call us is "hard hats".

    This is a derisive epithet that the radical extreme left used to call Democratic members of Construction Unions.

    The construction workers were well paid and could afford to own homes in the suburbs and maybe a boat or an RV for vacations.

    The radical extreme left felt that they were the elites who had gone to college and were entitled to privileges while the construction workers who had not gone to college should be relegated to low level low pay menial jobs.

    The radical extreme leftists thought that the construction workers, instead of earning high pay, should instead be be receiving meager handouts from the radical extremist elites and that the construction workers should be suitably grateful to the radical leftist "elites" for those meager handouts, instead of the high wages that they had been earning.

    The radical extreme leftists in the Democratic Party have been trying to figure out how to impoverish the rest of us for the last 40 years.

    Theradical extreme lest is finally starting to get very good at impoverishing the rest of us.

    When the radical extreme left blocks access to oil drilling off the coasts and in Alaska they essentially cause the price of oil to rise dramatically because the supply is artificially limited by the radical extreme left.

    The only sources of energy that the radical extreme left will permit are very high cost sources that the radical extreme left can control.

    Examples of those high cost sources sources are solar, wind and biofuels.

    Al Gore demonstrates the thought process of the radical extreme left who believe that they should be the elites permanently and that we should be relegated to the lower classes permanently.

    Al Gore lives in mansions while the rest of us are told that we must move to a high density high rise squirrel cage that is more like a prison cell than a home.

    The radical extreme left sees our suburban homes as "ugly sprawl" that must be eliminated.

    The radical extreme left thinks that there are too many of us and we should not be permitted to have children so that we will eventually die off.

    The radical extreme left will continue to live in their mansions and fly in their private jets while they have the rest of us cooped up in miserable high density high rise squirrel cages that look more like prison cells than homes.

  15. First of all, Gore probably has at least five times the net worth as the average citizen. Of course his energy use is going to be more, even if he's doing everything he can to reduce his energy usage.

    Gore's movie and public appearances have created awareness of the global warming threat, something that is considered to be very serious among a preponderance of the scientific community around the world. At least he's making an effort to try and educate people, come up with solutions and save this planet from certain extinction.

    Global warming is an ongoing cyclical event that continues for tens of thousands of years. The problem is that man's 'industrial revolution' of the past 150 years has escalated the climatic changes, making it more difficult for many plants and animals on the Earth to adapt.

    We can't continue to pollute the air; neglect the delicate balance between all things in nature; poison our waters; over fish our oceans; strip our mountains; create devastating oil spills; allow vehicle emissions and smoke-belching factories to emit massive amounts of dirty, unhealthy air; refuse to REuse, REduce and REcycle and keep filling landfills with all our useless waste.

    Man considers himself a 'superior' being to all the other creatures and species on Earth, yet man is the only one who continues to squander the planet's resources and live in the squalor he has created, all for the sake of profit, comfort and convenience. We are despicable stewards of the Earth, and if we don't start to clean up our act, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will pay dearly for our stupidity, neglect and plunder.   -RKO-  06/19/08

  16. Only five times? I bet his is about 100 times mine.

    Well, he and all the Hollywood celiberals (Penn, Moore, Asner, Sarandon,etc) are all tied for being the biggest hypocrites.

  17. Al gore is the cause of global warming and all this green policy **** i say we hang him and save the planet


    like raise awareness (of course yourepubs like being UN aware)

    YOUR evidence must come from Fox because 90% of the scientists that have studied global warming say it exists and humans are adding to it !!

    Using their strongest language to date, the world's leading climate scientists are reporting today that they are basically certain that burning gasoline, coal and other fossil fuels has unnaturally heated the atmosphere -- and the effects are likely to last for centuries.

    As report co-author Philip Mote, the Washington state climatologist, said in translating his fellow scientists' language about responsibility: "We did it."

    "Scientists are pretty well done arguing about whether the warming in the last 50 years is related to burning fossil fuels," Mote said.

    Researchers said they are more than 90 percent certain that global warming is caused by humans -- their most powerful assertion to date. And that conclusion was even stronger until last-minute maneuvering by China, whose exploding energy use stands to exacerbate the problem.

    Personally, I think you are just mad at Al Gore because he would have made a MUCH BETTER PRESIDENT than the dolt your party put in office !

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