
Is Al Gore write?

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in 5 years from now will the whole polar ice caps have a 70% chance of melting?heres the video i believe that we are having a global crisis.More Hurricanes,more drought's,more tornadoes,more wild fires i mean this is not a joke.!we shouldn't forget about this and wait for someone to solve the global crisis.i am doing something about it.shouldn't you?we can't let our earth and animals suffer from what we did to it.don't you think this is the time to step up and do something about it?why would you let your children suffer in the future because of our mistakes?do you think Al Gore is write because i do!




  1. Wait.. you mean to tell me the government is lying to us???? well is a good thing that someone that has no political agenda and an extensive Meteorological background can bring the truth to us unlike those lying stinking politicians.... Phew..

    Here's the thing, the RIGHT person can manipulate information for it to match their needs. Also I have not seen any information that supports that human influence is the reason global warming exists and calling it global warming is also inaccurate. Its a simple climatological cycle that the earth naturally goes through.

    However, I do support that we have to stop putting c**p in water and air but pollution only contributes a weather shift on the micro-scale limiting the affect to were it is concentrated. Yes we are damaging the wild life and yes we should stop but to think that we affect the earth's climate as a whole is just plain arrogant.

    Oh and the price of electric cars are not regulated by the government. That would be like saying the government is regulating the price of deodorant... Well that's not entirely true because the government usually stops price gouging.

  2. No, Al Gore is a carbon credit con artist.  Wildfires happen every year and have nothing to do with Global Warming.  The Ice caps are not melting, in fact, my son who actually lives in Fairbanks and I just spoke today and this is one of the coldest Summers ever in Alaska.  

    No matter what anyone tries to tell you, science does not operate on consensus.  Something is either provable in controlled tests and demonstrations or it is not.  The data is either unassailable or it is not.

    Under no circumstances is any theory accepted as true just because a lot of scientists or even if most scientists say so.  Remember, for hundreds of years, the scientific consensus was that the earth was flat.  It was finally proven through scientific methodology not to be.

    When you hear one side (the man made Global Warming alarmists) insisting that no further debate be permitted, no further review of the data permitted, no more questions answered and scientist who disagrees be discredited, you can be sure of one thing.  They are lying.  If they had unassailable facts they would welcome debate.  


  3. One things for sure, it's been said Al has made over 4 million off of his Global Warming Credit Co.  I think Government will continue this crazy idea of Man Made Global Warming so they can get in on this Carbon Tax scheme ASAP.  4 million is just a drop in the bucket the way our congress spends. Imagine how much they can get when the TAX become mandatory!

  4. Since he was a Vice-president I certainly hope he could write.
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