
Is Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin against ANWAR drilling as is John McCain?

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The Republican Political Party platform kept in a provision in deference to John McCain's to NOT allow drilling in the sensitive wildlife area of far northern Alaska. What about the Republican governor of the 49th State? thanks!




  1. She thinks it should be up to Alaskans to decide not the rest of the folks in the US who will never even go there.

  2. Why don't you wait until the Republican Convention is over before you ask questions. Perhaps they have a better plan than Pelosi.

  3. No, she favors it - - probably here's another chance for McCain to try another effort to show he is "more conservative" and to drop his line that the arctic wilderness is worth preserving like the Grand Canyon in his state of AZ - - perhaps he will be campaigning up there to secure the state in the "red" column (republican political party)

  4. She is pro-drilling.  She is also 44, and female.  All things considered, the perfect candidate to counter Obama's youthful/change is good, american energy independence campaign.  Terrific marketing strategy.

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