
Is Alex Evans (aka alexheartbreaker) g*y or even bisexual?

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i love alex evans i think he's really cool and veryyy hot. I've heard a lot of rumors, some people say he's g*y, bisexual and straight i just want to know the real answer is he g*y, straight or bisexual??




  1. even if he is g*y I don't care because he is hot anyways.

  2. Either g*y, bi-curious or bisexual (since he was Sandrine Cassis' bf one or two years ago).

    One thing is sure all his guys friends and male models who he shoots (photography) for are all g*y. So.....

  3. I DONT WANT HIM TO BE g*y!!! he soooo hott!

  4. he is g*y.
    i've seen him clubbing in toronto and he goes for the guys

  5. Donno. Hope hes straight cause hes sooo H-O-T! But sometimes his gestures can look g*y.I've noticed also that even if he was g*y, so what? Youll probably never meet him, so you can keep sayin hes hot

  6. Guest3504: OMG ur g*y sweet...yet weird bt WOW

  7. nothing you are so stupid Alex is not g*y or bissexual Is a cool g*y I love you Alex!!!!!!!!!

  8. i dont now but i now hes H-O-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Nenhum gente ! ele é homem ( garoto ) tadinhu do cara , fica falando que ele é g*y , bi e larga a vida dele ! manda q ele é gato

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