
Is Alex Pardee related to Sarah Pardee Winchester?

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I visited the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, CA yesterday. It's this weird, supposedly "haunted" house built after the Civil War by the wife of a rifle manufacturer. Her name was Sarah Pardee Winchester (Pardee was, obviously, her maiden name). The house is this humongous, four-story victorian-style mansion with staircases that lead right up to the ceiling, doors that open onto blank walls and windows in the floors. They say that the deaths of her newborn child and husband were punishment from the spirits of the ones killed by Winchester weapons, and the only way she could please the spirits was to move west and build an enormous mansion and never complete it.

My question is, does anyone know if alternative artist Alex Pardee is somehow distantly related to Sarah Pardee Winchester...? It just occured to me that it would be kind of fitting if he is. He loves the weird and paranormal and loves to draw inspiration from horror films. Just a thought.





    for what it is worth, above is one rootsweb file about Sarah Pardee, whose family is from Conn.  On the other hand, Alex looks to be very much alive (hey, I did stop by his myspace page), which limits info about his personal life to what he chooses to put online. You are right, he certainly does not seem very conventional.

    I used to live in CA.. but never got to see Winchester house. Wish I had.. have heard much about it.

    Anyway.. Sarah's lineage is only 1/2 the process. Sorry I could not help more. You might email him via his page.. who knows, he might open up to unconventional questions like that.

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