
Is Aliza Shvarts' art project really a hoax?

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Is Aliza Shvarts' art project really a hoax?




  1. Yes.

  2. Who knows. Either way, it's very disturbing.

  3. Yes.  News sites are starting to realize that what she's claiming is not physically possible.

  4. agreed, this whole thing is pretty sick. how disrespectful to those who have suffered miscariages and she dares to call it art? gross...

  5. I think her story's false. Seriously, if she wanted to "spark debate" or stir controversy or whatever, she wouldn't have had to actually go through the trouble of doing all that- she just had to say that she did. Plus, for someone to say she inseminated herself "as much as possible" and then repeatedly induced miscarriages but wasn't concerned about any health issues? Come on. Having 2 miscarriages months apart from each other is risky, let alone several in 9 months. And where exactly did she get all of that sperm? Do donor banks give women unlimited supplies or something?

    I just don't buy it.

  6. Don't care, I think moral lines have been crossed either way and expulsion is the only recourse.

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