
Is Alzheimer inhenritable?

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Is Alzheimer inhenritable?




  1. Early Alzheimer's Disease is inheritable.  This is when Alzheimer's begins in the forties, fifties of early sixties.  If a parent has this, you have about a 25% chance of inheriting it.  If it is later onset, you have only a slightly higher chance of getting it, compared to anyone else.  While later onset Alzheimer's is partly genetic, the environment plays an important part.  To help to prevent it, eat healthy foods - not too much meat, but fish is supposed to be good.  Being a vegetarian is also good.  Eat lots of green, leafy vegetables.  Blueberries are also highly recommended.  Keep physically active.  Keep mentally active.  Keep challenging yourself to learn new skills.  

    If it is early onset Alzheimer's that you are worried about, you can get a test to see if you will inherit it.  This can help with some decisions that you may need to make, but some people prefer not to know and that's fine.  If it's later, there are some tests that are being developed, but so far, they are to test if you are in the early stages of Alzheimers.  There are new tests being developed, but as it's caused by a number of factors, they probably cannot be definitive.

    Remember, research is constantly taking place and hopefully Alzheimer's may be able to be prevented in the not too distant future.  At the moment there are medications which can slow down its progress.

    Until a person has died and a post mortem has been performed, it is impossible to be certain that the dementia is Alzheimers.  There are many other forms of dementia, although Alzheimer's is the most common.  Multi-infarct dementia, also known as vascular dementia, is quite common.  It is a form of dementia resulting from brain damage caused by tiny strokes within the brain.  People are usually  unaware that they are occurring.  The person with this dementia probably has some circulatory problems and a tendency for these problems can be inherited.  Exercise, good diet and, if necessary, medication can help to prevent this.  Aspro or something similar, to thin the blood is sometimes used.

  2. I hate to tell you that people with this disease, can not spell.

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