
Is America's Health care in crisis?

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is America's hea;th in crisis and will there bemore obsity chilrdren and adults in the world?




  1. It will be once the Dem Socialists get a hold of it.  Listen to Obama carefully when he says "The Pharmaceuticals will not give up their profits easily".  If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about the lefties running on the Dem ticket, I don't know what to tell you.

  2. we don't have an Health care in this country

    I have a meeting with an health care agent in the company where I work..

    he was talking about some benefits and this is what I ask to him.

    if I have an incident and I need a surgery of $10 000??

    the insurance they will pay $1500 that is mean I need to pay

    $8500 in order to have this BS I have to pay $12 bucks every paycheck...I say to this guy to go the h**l...

    now I safe $50 000 bucks and with that I do

    my private health care no contract no absurd benefits

  3. obesity is not the cause of the health care crises.

  4. No ! On life support!! Dishonesty , Deceptions and Corruption

    are so prevelent,that it has become almost impossible to fix


  5. Yes, and Yes.

    It is in crisis even for those that have it.    I have BC/BS and to get a cheaper rate I have to accept their doctors, not my own.  So I pay a lot more.  Also, the choices of medical care are limited to TWO choices.  Five scripts per month cost me over 100.00 a month for my portion of the bill.  My insurance cover NO blood tests, or laboratory work, etc.  That is another 100.00 quarterly.   Furthermore, if I was taken to the hospital for any God forsaken thing...,my cost s 5000.00 deductible.  Do that sound reasonable to you?  Is it any wonder why people don't see a doctor even with medical insurance?

    Also, the lower income people can't afford fresh veggies and fruits.   Fish is not even a cost too too much.   Have you been to the market lately?  The prices are UP 30 percent.  Yes, obesity will continue as long as they have to  p**s in the wind... cause and affect/effect; every action has a reaction; pay more, get less; ya da, ya da, ya da.  Don't blame the victims, please.

  6. just look around anywhere you go, America has a weight problem and its going to catch up to us. some folks are doing well taking care of themselves but so many even kids that are horribly overweight, not to far in the future the hospitals and clinics will be full of these fatties

  7. Yes obesity will continue to be on the rise.

    America's health care situation is bad because government meddles, large insurers get away with anything with impunity, and the public is distracted by the false issue of UHC instead of fixing the problems in the system.

    "But last Wednesday, as the California Senate committee heard testimony on the bill, Massachusetts announced that spending on its health care plan would increase by $400 million in 2008, a cost expected to be borne largely by taxpayers."

    Last modified: January 29. 2008 5:03AM

    California tried to do UHC but the REALITY of it NOT being workable slapped them in the face.

    You can see Romney's forced, punitive health insurance plan is not working--that's $400 million INCREASE. There are only 6.5 million people in MA.

    None of these candidates wants to address the real issues:

    Linda Peeno, MD testified that SHE had often denied treatment JUST to save the insurance company money (


    "the vast majority of health insurance policies are through for-profit stock companies. They are in the process of “shedding lives” as some term it when “undesirable” customers are lost through various means, including raising premiums and co-pays and decreasing benefits (Britt, “Health insurers getting bigger cut of medical dollars,” 15 October 2004, That same Investors Business Daily article from 2004 noted the example of Anthem, another insurance company. They said the top five executives (not just the CEO) received an average of an 817 percent increase in compensation between 2000 and 2003. The CEO, for example, had his compensation go from $2.5 million to $25 million during that time period. About $21 million of that was in stock payouts, the article noted.

    A 2006 article, “U.S. Health Insurance: More Market Domination, More CEO Compensation”

    ( notes that in 56 percent of 294 metropolitan areas one insurer “controls more than half the business in health maintenance organization and preferred provider networks underwriting." In addition to having the most enrollees, they also are the biggest purchasers of health care and set the price and coverage terms. “’The results is double-digit premium increases from 2001 and 2004—peaking with a 13.9 percent jump in 2003—soaring well above inflation and wages increases.’" Where is all that money going? The article quotes a Wall Street Journal article looking at the compensation of the CEO of UnitedHealth Group. His salary and bonus is $8 million annually. He has benefits such as the use of a private jet. He has stock-option fortunes worth $1.6 billion."

    --Save America, Save the World by Cassandra Nathan pp. 127-128

    And there's more. A sensible plan:

    QUALITY, ACCESSIBLE, AFFORDABLE health care for all.

    That means preventative care (physical with follow up). Real medication (no Medicare "donut holes" the really ill are ripped off again.) No bogus ridiculously low "caps" on needed medical procedures. No abuse of the ER. No paying for the silly with the sniffles to go to the doc for free. No more bankruptcies over medical bills. I want THIS plan that ends abuse of the taxpayer, takes the burden off employers, provides price transparency, and ends the rip-off of the US taxpayer at the hands of greedy insurance CEOs (which has been repeatedly documented).

    Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on

    Cassandra Nathan's Save America, Save the World

  8. I can see that you understand that their is a crisis because of the declining health and obesity of adults and children and I have a few thoughts on why that is happening.

    1. people are eating more.

    2. Too many fast foods from places like Mcdonalds.

    3. Having too many dairy products and meat from beef chick  or chicken

    I  also think people should start using organic food because of the additives added to food

    A lot of these things are making people get deseases like cancers, diabetes as well a numerous other health problems .

  9. The health care is fine.  The insurance companies dictating who and what kind the American people can get are the problem.

  10. Yes, America's HEALTH is in crisis. But making health insurance mandatory and paid for by tax payers will not fix that.

  11. obesity???

    Is that obesity or obscenity?

    The answer to your question is YES. Children today are fatter and more obscene than ever.

    Whether we have a health care crisis or not is relative to each individual not to America as  whole.

  12. First, learn to type.

    Second, yes it is. The government (not just this administration) has allowed the health care industry to not only become a "for profit" industry, but they have now become a "for MAX PROFIT" industry. There needs to be severe regulations put in place on this industry, that is the answer. Not socialism.

  13. Obesity in children is a combination of genes, lack of excercise and poor diet. This is a family matter in the home and nothing to do with government.

  14. Watch Michael Moore's documentary Sicko.

  15. Obesity has nothing to do with health care.

    It has everything to do with individual self control and discipline.

  16. to make sense of the american health care system, you have to buy into a little bit of conspiracy too make sense of it.

    at the turn of the 20th century, we seen Major private banks become the printing press of the government, and next we see these banks making foriegn policy recommendations that effect walstreet.......and those very same banker's found their way into the boards of the American Medical Assoc. and became the policy makers of medical practices and medical research, and divided the responsibility into areas of the FDA and such.

    Remember.....first and foremost.....banks are here to MAKE MONEY...period!     curing diseases isnt profitable.....treating disease is !!

    thats why your hearing about additives like MSG in food that causes you to eat more and become obese, and all the health issues that come with it........but insurance isnt part of the money making scam, thats why its not free.

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