
Is America's economy failing?

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If so, is it at least partially due to the fact that we have no exports? What other reasons can you think of?




  1. yup... BIGTIME!!

    thw world market is raising prizes....

    which makes the america have to pay more

    ther populaton is many so this is a big trouble

  2. How do you figure we have no exports? I'm in Kansas and we've got plenty of wheat, beef, pork and corn...among other things going out all the time. The economy is lessening because the media makes you think that, because the futures market lets you think that, the commodities market wants you to live it. Live your life and prove them all wrong.

  3. Absolutely the economy is failing. We have the housing crisis and foreclosure crisis which is still not over yet, consumer confidence is low and people are afraid to spend money becuase they do not know how stable their jobs are. Gas prices are high and that is forcing people to spend less in other areas like going out to dinner at sit down restaurants etc. So the owner of the restaurants suffer less business. Food prices have increased due to increased transportation costs. People are losing jobs becuase companies are trying to save money. Even some cities across the country are experiencing massive deficits and are being forced to lay off city workers. Look at detroit, they are having massive problems with job loss, high unemployment rates, foreclosures etc. Banks are failing, and now banks no longer want to issue private loans for kids to go to college. everything is a mess and this is just the beginning

  4. Certainly reduced exports are hurting the economy. The MASSIVE trading deficit w/china in particular is also s******g us over. And of course there's Iraq and the whole oil crisis.$5 a of gallon gas  =/=  good The housing market is in a slump, which was a precursor to the Great Depression the 1930's.

    So there a multiple reasons for this near recession economy.

  5. It is dead and no one has told it to lay down .

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