
Is America Driving You Crazy? Your Thoughts.*?

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Food, Gas, Oil, Taxes, Roads and Bridges needing Repaired or Replaced, Medical & Health Care Costs, Unemployment, Poverty Wages, Illegal War, Politicians, Inept President and Congress, Pork Barrel Spending, Deficit, Bankruptcies, Homeless People, Devalued Dollar, Corruption, No Accountability, No Oversight, Crime, Profiteering, Price Gouging, Utility Costs, Incompetent Leaders etc. Add your own to this list.* Constitutional Violations, Energy Dependence, next, your turn!!




  1. county presidents hiring and giving raises to family, a Governor that is on king Daley's puppet strings, sales tax being increased, "men" having babies, utilities going up 35%, NICOR up 50%, this RX drug may help; side affects include pain, suffering, and death, poor gas milage, and insomnia, dogs and cats; living together. To h**l in a handbasket, here we go.

  2. It ain't the country, it's the thieving Robber Barons, especially the Oil(y) Shieks, and the crooked politicians in D.C. that are letting them steal everything we have that chaps MY ar$e! ! ! !

  3. I believe people should think about what dumbing down to the lowest common denominator means. In nature, the weak are left to die. In America, they are fostered.

  4. Corrupt government, illegal violations of the second amendment, local government administrators who just don't get it and can't cut a budget to save their lives, public servants who are allowed pad their OT hours the last few years of service so that they can retire with ridiculously high pensions, firefighters who steal after putting out a fire, cops who want to shoot people for "thinking of resisting with deadly force", military men who won't tell the truth to the American people or uphold the American Constitution

  5. Keep voting for the people like the ones that are in office now. They are all corrupt!

  6. our leaders need to start taking care of America first. Get out of Iraq, "It was a good idea in the start but it's time to let the Iraqis take it"

    Slam our borders shut and monitor who gets in and who doesn't

    Profiling, it's working in Israel, lets start here. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, treat it like a duck.

    Welfare was for the AMERICAN taxpayer! Stop handing it out like a bonus for breaking the law.

    Remove the taxes on gas, get the people rolling again and they'll spread the money around.

    End NAFTA and get the h**l out of the UN.

    Stop aiding other countries who don't stand with us, let them see what it's like when Uncle Sugar won't pay the dole for them to spit on us.

    Use our Military like a Military and stop the "Meals on Wheels c**p" that gets our soldiers killed. That's why we have the Red Cross.

  7. The same people who create the disease will rescue us

    with the cure. Beware.

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